Honest Scrap Award
Thank you Jessica @ Mommy’s Sippy Cup & Adriana @ The Busy Peppermill for the Honest Scrap Award! Like I promised, I’m going to spread the love!
This is what I have to do: I have to share 10 random things about me & then pass the award along to 10 other bloggers! (How in the H-E-double hockey stick am I going to narrow down this award to 10 bloggers?!!!)
Random Things about me:
1. I hate tomatoes, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE ketchup–weird right?
2. I have EXTREMELY expensive taste, but have turned into a cheapo since Baby was born (that’s what makes me a domesticated diva *sob*)
3. I remember the most random dates.
4. Since it’s the honest scrap award & all, I’ll let y’all all know I’m in a terrible mood today. 🙂 The littlest things are just pissing me off (like my computer freezing or the next door neighbor’s dog barking!)
5. Baby laughing at me with his 6 teeth makes my mood a little better!
6. I thought blogging was something only losers & computer nerds did–so glad I got over myself & started a blog. I’ve found some awesome people!
7. I have a weird toe–it’s called “The Nemo toe” (from finding Nemo, with his little flipper)–I have an awesome story to write about that, maybe I will someday.
8. I’m 5’10–I acutally grew 2 inches in college, which is unsual for women. It made my college basketball coach very happy.
9. I talk to each of my siblings just about everyday.
10. I think Sandra Bullock is awesome.
10 Bloggers I Think Should get this Award:
6.Fancy Nancy Does Grad School-she’s a new blogger! Show her some love!
7.This Lovely Life–she will make any bad day a good one! Her blog is so happy!
9.Toulouse Confessions— an ex-patriot living abroad w/two little girls!
Thanks for the Award Kate!
Hope the mood improves. One of my neighbors to the rear of me has really yappy dogs that he leaves out all the time. I hate them.
Thanks for the award as well. Going to go post it in a bit before I forget. I got another award on my computer saved and totally forget where it came from. OOPS!
I've never heard of Nemo toe before. And you are quite tall! Congratulations on the Honest Scrap!
I guess I should clarify–my friends named it hte Nemo toe because it's so short! lol
Aww..thanks for the award! It is appreciated! Maybe I will actually figure out how to put it up on my blog sidebar so all can see!
Yeah! Thanks, Kate. I'm not in the best mood either, so I feel you. But this award just brightened my day a little 🙂 Along with the peacefully sleeping baby on my lap.
And Sandra Bullock is way too good for Jesse James.
Y'all are welcome! Y'all are seriously some of my favorite blogs! Thanks for being so awesome so I have something to fill my time with! lol (Because you know it's all about me!)
Lucy–you are so dead right! And what's this about her adopting! I think it's awesome! He's precious!
Thanks Kate for the award! I feel so special. Seriously! You are so sweet!
Your welcome Debbi! Thanks for stopping by my blog so often too!
Aww, thanks for the award!! I'm doing an award post soon, I'll link back you!!