On Saturday, I came to the full realization that I am officially Todd’s wife.
Let me backtrack & tell you a past story to get you caught up on a current story. My father always tells this story about how he was watching our university’s football team play in a huge game. And our team lost. He said that he loss was so heartbreaking & he was so miserable that he would never, ever let the outcome of a football game have any control over his emotions ever again. This is a rule of thumb that I’ve tried to keep in mind.
Fast forward to the first football season that Todd & I are married & I realize that I married a fanatic. I had no idea that we were going to attend every football game, watch every away game on TV, talk and talk and talk about football for 20 straight weeks. I literally had no idea how in love with the team he was. HAD.NO.CLUE (we met in May 06, were engaged in Dec 06, were married in June 07-whirlwind romance here folks.)
On Saturday, our team played in a HUGE game. The stadium was packed. Todd went to the game with my dad. I stayed home with Lboy & my mom. I wasn’t even planning on watching the game.
Then, the funniest thing happened. I turned on the TV. Found CBS. Turned on the surround sound. Had a few friends come over. TALKED football-things like yardage of our quarterback, different positions, running game vs. passing game…..I got into the game!
Yes, at that point I was sort of Todd’s official wife.
The zinger of when I knew when I was REALLY, 100% TRULY his wife, was when our quarterback threw his an interception pass in the 4th quarter and our 50 minute lead vanished within a blink of an eye and I had to step into the backyard to WIPE AWAY TEARS so that my mother wouldn’t think I had completely gone BONKERS (okay, slight exaggeration, but I did think I was about to burst into tears.) And then I sat down on the patio chair and started rocking back & forth cradling myself because I was literally in physical pain.
Yeah, that rule of don’t let the outcome of a football game determine how happy you are went straight out the window.
I’m officially Todd’s wife & no longer my father’s daughter–you know, level headed, sane, NORMAL!
PS My friggin’ hard drive crashed AGAIN! Yes, the one I just got replaced in June!
I don't follow football so half of what your saying is lost to me LOL but I think it's so cool that you got to enjoy the sport together. 😀 Btw, I am so loving your new look. Very beautiful!
So you were dating during football season…and have been married during football season…how did you not know? J's coworkers are all jealous because I'll put on football if he's not here and actually care if MY teams win, as opposed to his (it's always good if they win, but I won't cry if they don't) etc. Oh, and we do the same thing during baseball season…but with baseball. aka, yearround.
HAHA!! Luckily Jorge is a soccer fan, but not an extreme one.
When Mexico lost to Argentina in the World Cup this year, however, he talked about it in his sleep.
bluewhitelife: when we were dating we were doing a lot of travelling & Todd always jokes that he was so infatuated football didn't matter.
Obviously I figured out he was a football fan the first season we were married, not this season.
Whoa, you're hard core, kate! Not only do I not watch football, Craig doesn't either. 🙂
i bet is thrilled to finally find out y'all are married haha kidding friend!
cute story!
You just can't live closely with another human being without this happening. You have my sympathies on that interception!
Oooh yah tough hit, we watched that one! I was thinking of you after the game. I am that way about the Patriots and Celtics!
Having lived my whole life in the Philippines, I'm afraid football is lost on me. I can appreciate sharing passions with a spouse though, as my husband and I have been gamers for a long time up until I got pregnant with our daughter. I can still understand gamer-speak though and relate to a lot of the stuff he talks to me about even though I no longer play. I'm so sorry for your team's loss though. At least you have someone to mourn that with.