I survived my first week as a blogger! Remember on Monday when I wrote that the hubs said that he would buy me a custom blog design if I would be a consistent blogger? Well, I successfully made it a whole week–5 days–of blogging (I’m almost there April Showers!) That’s one week down & 3 to go until I get my design! (Of course Hubs said that he doesn’t remember agreeing to it being a 4 week deal, but I reminded him that he said that was a great plan while he was playing Xbox. He said that doesn’t count….but whatev! I’m getting that design!)
I barely survived being a parent….
Yesterday was one of the most overwhelming parenting days I’ve had. It was one of those days that makes me miss my Mommy & I just want to call her & beg her to drive the 3 *sob* hours it takes to get here & just hang out with me. Wolverine busted a glass serving platter & sliced his finger, there was blood everywhere. I’m running around the house trying to find the friggin’ bandaids & he’s following me leaving a blood trail throughout the entire house. It looked like a slaughter house (child services would have scooped him right then & never given him back!) I couldn’t find the bandaids, I’m calling Hubs while he’s at work, then got frustrated with Hubs telling him that he was no help & hung up on him after that (I know… he’s so blessed to be married to me.) I finally found the bandaids, crisis managed (at least this one.)
Later…I find Wolverine with his Baby Motrin…I have no eff-ing idea where he found it because the bottle I use for him is sitting on top of the fridge. So he has a mystery bottle & somehow managed to get the BABY PROOFED LID off & is flinging motrin everywhere. Meanwhile the dog is jumping in the air after the bottle & manages to knock it out of Wolverine’s hands & is drinking straight from the motrin puddle in my kitchen floor (at least Wolverine wasn’t doing this before I got to him.)
After I clean up all the motrin the oven beeps–dinner’s ready! I’m trying to get the frozen pizzas out with a spatula (fancy I know.) Wolverine hears me in the kitchen & starts coming my way. I’m trying to block the oven door from Wolverine while trying to get the pizzas out & I’m yelling Phantess’s name. As Wolverine’s hand is midair & about to grab the oven door I block him but the burn the sh*t out of my hand! I throw the aforementioned spatula to the ground while dropping a terrible @#&!$ word. And of course right as I say this word, Phatness turns the corner, who as a matter of fact frowns upon such bad words to be spoken espeically that word & especially in front of Wolverine (poor guy, I guess I should have warned him before he married me.)
I sit down to eat, Wolverine will have nothing of it, so I put him in his highchair so he can have some fine dining of green beans & rice (from a jar–gasp I know!) He eats a few bites, wants no more. He wants his mild cheddar crunchies (I don’t go anywhere without these–he loves them!) I get him to eat a few more bites then hand him some crunchies. He didn’t want the crunchies so much as he wanted to feed the dog. Which confuses me because Wolverine eats the dog’s food & feeds the dog his food, whatever….
Giorgio starts scratching at his food mat, his bowls were empty (sorry buddy.) I go to pour him a new bag & his bag is empty (and why the heck was it on the fridge if it was empty?!) Which means I had to make a midnight run to the puppy store (okay 8 pm, but same diff when you’re a mommy/parent) & as I’m putting down Giorgio’s food bowl I scratch the fire out of my back on the kitchen counter. At this point I would kill for a beer or two or three…..or maybe even to just go running down the street stark raving mad…..same difference right?!
And I still had to survive bathtime & the fight that it always is to get him to sleep….
But I’m still happy, glad, thrilled to say I wrote a blog post a day, that I met some cool new people this week, & had a great time doing it! I can’t wait to see what awaits me in the blogging world next week!
So all my dear friends, I hope that y’all have a great weekend! And I will “see” you again Monday! I can’t wait to read what everyone did over the weekend!
I'm going to see if I can get my hubby to agree to that too. Let's see now I have to wait until he's watching basketball tomorrow. LOL!
Little ones always seem to find their way into all kinds of stuff they shouldn't be able to get into.
Great blog! Visitng you from MBC!
Thank you! I've been having a lot of fun with it! I hear ya on the bball thing–Hubs has been watching his march madness & his xbox in picture & picture mode so he can do both at the same time….i call that spoiled! lol
well that pretty much sounds like my life for the past 14 years. i still love every single minute. ok i would kill for a week in Bora Bora (sexy sexy) with my hubs! i'm selfish and want him all to myself!
ur little man is too too precious!
thanks! i think he's prety cute, even when he's screaming lol
i'm with ya on the bora bora thing…heck i wouldn't even go that far for some time alone with the hubs!
Logan is precious. Is his finger okay now? Whether you are sucessful in blogging or not, you have to be a successful mother. Take care of your lovely one. Kisses to Logan.
I am happy to hear that my blog is helpful to get wooden toys for Logan. You dont need to visit the blog often, just subscribe and get the weekly posts in your inbox. Happy and SAFE parenting !!!
His finger is much better!Just a small scratch, I was stresing more than what was necessary! I will definitely subscribe! Thank you for stopping by!