I woke up today happy that Lboy let me sleep in until 6:15–yes I was excited about 6:15! It was Todd’s turn to get to sleep super late, so Lboy & I got up to play.
We had a great time, he was in a happy mood, & I couldn’t wait to check my email. I love checking my email, I love checking my blog, I love getting online, I’m pretty sure that besides my family, my computer is my best friend (lame I know, but it just makes me so happy!)
So, at 7:30ish, Lboy was playing by himself & I thought it was the perfect opportunity to sneak open my comp (he has these rules about what I’m allowed to do & being on my comp is not one of them), I hit the power button, & waited eagerly for my “Sony Vaio” page to pop up. And I waited and waited and waited some more. I finally quit kidding myself after about 2 hours that it wasn’t going to turn on & that’s when I got super frustrated. And that’s when every.little.thing started to send me into the pits of despair/deep dark depressions upset me!
* The stroller tire going flat, after I had loaded it & unloaded it twice (it’s the world’s heaviest jogging stroller!)
* The geek squad telling me it would cost $200 to fix my comp.
* The sky being blue when I thought it should be purple.
You know, all the important things in life that I have total control over & would ruin anyone’s day.
As I was roaring my way throughout the day mumbling my go to phrase of “I hate my life” when I’m super ticked, Todd said, “Kate, these are all little things. I promise we can make your day better.”
So, we went to the park as a family. Lboy went sliding & swinging. We got icecream cones. Worked in the yard. Played in the yard. Went for a walk around the neighborhood. And we’re about to go watch a movie.
So, my little, silly things that I was going to let affect my whole day were put into focus by Todd & the day was actually quite perfect.
And it turns out, a year and a half ago when I bought my computer I bought a 3 year extended warranty. Which means, Sony is going to fix my computer for free! And I will have it back in 7 days! And the best part is, Todd took care of all of this for me, so I didn’t have to mess with it. And in the meantime, I can enjoy the fact that my son is healthy, my husband is wonderful, & I really have nothing going on in my life to genuinely make it worth hating.
And yes, I have a pink computer….I love it!
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com or check out the menu tab “Featurettes” for more info!
Thank goodness for a warranty!
And isn't it always the way? One thing goes wrong and then ten others follow suit. But icecream cones and playground trips can fix everything 🙂
(and is it sad that 6:15 is sleeping in here as well?? These kids… yikes…)
What a great hubby. you two make a great team.
Awww I also let things get to me and ruin my day. Next time I need to kick my butt into putting it all into perspective and enjoying my family.
Received this message from RadioPopper Support: James,We had a reorpt of this about a month ago and we informed our engineers. I will need to check with them and see if they have made any progress with any updates. I did not deal with the customer that reorpted it initially, but one thing you may want to try is switching your TTL channel on your flashes to channel 4. I know that has remedied similar issues on older Canon gear and perhaps it may help with this scenario. Please keep me posted on the results and I will keep you posted on any updates. This doesn’t remedy the issue for me, unfortunately. And, from further emails with RP support, it doesn’t seem there is much hope for a fix from them.
Yahoo!! Love it when these warranties work out!
There is nothing like a good day at the park, ice cream and a good walk with the ones you love to snap you out of any funk! Glad your computer is getting fixed, for free!! Did you get my email a couple of days ago?
I have a VAIO too and I love it! So happy you had the warranty-that's a lifesaver!
Yay for a fun day at the park with the family!!!!
love that you have a pink computer! i get SO frustrated, too, when things go wrong. the aggravation gets to me!
glad things will be fixed soon, and you were able to get out of your rut.
What a positive blog! I love it! I love it when husbands put life back into perspective and make everything wonderful! Good for Todd!
Love this post!!! I'm totally the same way in the fact that I sometimes let the little things bother me when in fact I have nothing to bitch about! I have a wonderful husband and daughter and really just need to roll with the punches!!
And I completely feel ya in being excited about sleeping til 6:15!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog….following you now!
I think when our computers are sick, it does affect us more than we'd like…or want to admit ~ at least for me. Major frustration! We do need to look for the good things as there are so many. You might want to join me for my Miracle Game! 🙂
Your husband sounds like a great guy…I'm happy for both of you. Hope your week is blessed and there is no stress.