I have the Sunday Blues–that sinking feeling that the weekend is almost over, it’s time to get ready for the following week, start working on [fill in blank here]. We have had a GREAT weekend! It was one of those weekends where we were able to get a lot accomplished & spend time together all at the same time. I hate for it to end, but am grateful we had the awesome time that we did!
We are finished with yard work for now & plan on taking the rest of the day pretty slow (except Phatness, who has a grad school group meeting :/) There are more pics at the bottom of what else we were able to get done today–thanks for humoring me by looking at them! 🙂 (We are by no means finished for good, just for the day!)
Tomorrow: Baby Bookworm with Wolverine! YAY! He loves it! This gives me something to look forward to for the start of the week! And I start my blogging workshop tomorrow with The Lady Blogger’s Society! Woot woot!
What did you enjoy about your weekend?!!!
I know how that feels, I am trying to find a job, my husband is trying to find a job, I am dealing with schooling for second career and it NEVER ENDS
I hate for sunday to be over too..
Yes! It doesn't ever end! Fortunately this weekend felt like we got to have a break from it all! Thanks for stopping by!
Kate, your yard looks amazing! You and Todd did great job on it!!
My favorite part of this weekend was running around with Tom and Lucy getting all our errands done!
Next fall I will be in the same shoes. It looks like we are going to buy a house this summer and Tom might start grad-school this fall. Then I can work in the yard while my husband goes to school meetings (woohooo).
Your yard looks really good – the hubs and I (mostly the hubs) sanded and repainted our deck this weekend – hard work but nice to be able to see the accomplishment.
your yard looks fabulous! have fun with LBS!
totally impressed and inspired! thanks for the pics.
I'm so impressed at how much work you managed on your yard! It looks great. Sounds like you had a great weekend and a very fun date with little man tomorrow at the library. How sweet : )
Wow! It looks great! I did some yard work today too, but I don't have any before or after shots – it's still looking pretty rough! I just love having my own yard to work on. That's the best part for me.
WOW it looks like you got a lot of yard work done. I cleaned all the blinds in our house. ICK
Your gardens look really great.
Thanks for visiting my blog for UBP.
Hannah: Thanks! It sounds like Lucy had a lot of fun too! She's so precious!
SugarPlum's Mama: I wish we had a deck!!! It would be so much fun to have for bbqing! We are always grilling out during the summer!
Ericka: Thanks! It was a lot of fun-but waay too much work! I hope LBS is fun, I'm looking forward to it.
Mary Allison: I thought the before & afters would be fun…thanks for stopping by!
Joey: I didn't want to buy a house, I was terrified! I am soooo glad Todd talked me into it b/c I love having my own stuff to leave my mark on. Thanks for coming to visit!
Missy: I should cleaned on the blinds & my celing fan blades. But that doesn't seem like it would be as much fun! lol Thanks for coming by!
No problem Linda! It was fun! And thanks for coming over here!
I love before and afters of yard work! You should come and do mine!
Stopping by from Lady's Blogging Circle. I am so excited to share this workshop with you.
Precious blog and sweet family!
I am hoping to get my Healthcare Reimbursement ctraifictee so my interaction with patients would be very different from a CMA, but I think I would like to work in a Chiropractors office. I have back issues and know first hand how much of an improvement I feel after one adjustment. To be part of a team, where you were able to help someone, in a fairly short period of time, seems like it would also be very rewarding.