I’ve been thinking a lot about the adventures life sends us in our lifetimes. Some are adventures we choose, some we are forced into. But, adventures change us & mold us, make us into better people. We are never the same after an adventure. I have a cousin, Jessica, who is living in Lima, Peru […]
Speaking at Grandma’s Funeral
A week ago today, my grandmother, one of the most amazing women I’ll ever know, passed away. She had 4 children, 17 grandchildren, & 15 great-grandchildren, & more loved ones than you can count. She was so special & we are all so sad to not have her here with us anymore. I spent some […]
You Know You’re Pregnant When…
You know you’re pregnant when… Your favorite meal(s) of all time make you sick as a dog just when someone mentions it. You can tell anyone where the public restroom is in just about any location, because that is where you spend the most time. You actually don’t mind having a big stomach. A craving […]
Our Secret Identity
Just like Clark Kent had a secret identity & was Superman, we mom bloggers have our own “secret” identities & they reside in the blogosphere. You meet someone new, they ask if you work or about the things you do outside of motherhood. You sort of work, but not really, but you do spend a […]
A Parenting Break
Two weekends ago Todd and I were able to make our FIRST overnight trip sans kiddo. We went to Branson, MO. We swapped cars with my parents, they kept the crusty french fries, toy bombed mess that makes my car your typical mom-mobile. And we got to take my dad’s truck, you know, the truck […]
I fought the car & the car won!
The car hates me! I was at friend’s house yesterday working on a site design for her new business (which I will be blogging about :)) & I went to put something in the car. The next thing I know I’m standing by my car holding my head checking for blood & seeing a lot […]
Two Years with Lboy
On the morning of May 22, 2009, I started feeling labor pains, they were minor, small, not that big of a deal. I even went to the doctor that day for a checkup. I didn’t even mention that I was feeling anything. By May 23, I could not understand why this baby wasn’t coming. I […]
Motherhood Is…
Hearing your kiddo wake up at midnight & being able to recognize “this cry” is different. Something is wrong. When you go into the room, there is your baby standing up in the crib, with a hot, red face & you instantly know he has a fever without ever needing the thermometer. Bringing your sick […]
I’m an anxiety freak
I’m an anxious person, trust me, I come by it naturally. I don’t like to go anywhere without my own car. Don’t ever ask me to ride with you, cause it ain’t gonna happen. I have to have my own car. What if I need to leave? What if something happens or I’m bored or […]
This Thing Called Motherhood
Motherhood is… Falling in love with baby from the very beginning… Getting excited over a diaper bag (who knew they could be so exciting?!)… Meeting for the very first time… Telling your dad you named your son after him & crying when you did it… Bringing Baby home & being nervous about how to take […]