Things that irritate me (because that’s the kind of mood I’m in 🙂
- Too many opinions–ever notice how people are always quick to tell you what they’re thinking?
- Not being able to sleep (like right now, it’s actually 12:05 am. I went to bed 2 hours ago. I eventually gave up on sleeping–so here I lie, typing away, on the fold out couch. 🙂
- Mean people who say mean things on purpose. Like these two ladies who said something not very nice about me the other day at the pool. Grown women behave like this? Seriously?! I was just minding my business, swimming with Lboy, & these two ladies made an obvious point to say something about me, in front of me, & they made me feel like CRAP. I felt like I had been put right in the middle of Mean Girls. Only these women were in their 30s–they should know better.
- These stupid little weeds in my flower bed that have thorns on them–those damn things draw blood every time!
- Money.
- I’m hungry & I ate like a heifer today.
- My favorite designer got kicked off Design Star tonight. Oh & Genevieve Gorder drives me nuts!
Things that make me happy (because I’d rather be in a happy mood:)
- The mama bird & her nest in my front yard.
- Being at peace about big decisions (more to come on this!)
- The fact that tonight the Real Housewives of New Jersey will be on–I love those crazy ladies.
- Red fingernail polish.
- The cookie recipe handed down from my great-grandmother. I’m almost positive everyone has this recipe in a book somewhere, but it’s still a special one to me.
- My house is clean! Ahhhh! That feels amazing!
- I love it that Giorgio came with me to the living room & is curled up at my feet. I’m definitely going to let Todd know that George loves me the mostest!
- I got to see my little brother tonight. Love that kid.
- Design Star.
- Todd being home.
- The blogosphere.
- The book I’m reading. Okay, it’s Harry Potter. I read all 7 at least once a year. I’m in love with them–can’t help myself. I don’t want to be a Muggle!
I’m glad I did the Happy List last–it did make me feel better! Now if only I could get my hands on some sleeping pills….this insomnia isn’t going away any time soon. Gah!
Mean ladies are lame! Let's just hope they get the clap or something.
Money always puts me in a bad mood. Or the lack thereof.
I love Design Star and had completely forgotten that I have them all recorded and haven't watched any yet. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? And Genevive sorta bugs me too.
Hope you feel better and actually get some sleep.
… I was going to give you my opinion, but I understand you have too many of those already…? LOL.
Mean people DO suck. 🙁
I'm glad you did your happy list last too because it was soothing after I felt riled about about the awful women at the pool.
I hope your week is off to a good start!
BOO! Mean girls need grow up!!
YAY for The Jersey girls tonight! Sooo excited to see the crazy!!!
Boo for mean people!!!!! Those are the ones that are stuck in high school and obviously have no self esteem themselves!!!!!
Ignore them and be proud of yourself – you are beautiful!
Can't stand mean people too!
Hope your insomnia will go away soon, girl! Have a great week 😀
You sound like me…eating like a heifer and not being able to sleep…except that I am pregnant..any news you'd like to share? LOL! Other moms being mean is the WORST! We're supposed to give each other support and provide a loving community for our children, but some moms are too insecure for anything but infantile behavior! UHG! Can't wait to hear what the big news is!
Sounds like the happy things outweigh the bad things!! Oh, and women are bitches. Don't listen to them.
why does genevieve drive you nuts? 🙂 mean girls grow up to be mean women. there should be a special place in you-know-where for them.
i promise i read the whole post, but had to comment on the last point. I ABSO love harry potter, too!!! just started book one again. the last book i read disappointed me, and Harry never does 🙂
when I can't sleep, i usually write. Or do the dishes. Glamorous.
how utterly and completely disgusting that those women did that to you!
I couldn't sleep last night either (until 1:30am)!!
Heart me some design star and I forgot it was on last night until it came on (clearly was watching HGTV)!
Ooh, I love Design Star, too! I haven't watched this week's episode yet, though, so I am not reading any of the comments to this post. I don't want any spoilers! 🙂
I can't believe how immature grown women (and men) can act.
Mean people do suck…majorly. Having my own bout w mean people…I hear ya big time. And do I stinkin love Real Housewives of NJ – my favorite! Whenever I miss NY I turn that on. :o)