I’m obviously under construction right now…… it won’t look this bad for long!
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com.
I’m obviously under construction right now…… it won’t look this bad for long!
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com.
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I'm a Spanish speaking, supper cooking, sporadic house cleaning, sometimes swearing, to do list making, stroller pushing, diaper changing, SAHM & skin care selling, God fearing, church going, independently thinking, family loving, not always perfect, hooked on blogging, husband loving, health food nut & junk food junkie, first & now second time mommy. Welcome to my world.
Hello, I'm Kate, author behind the blog & matriarch of chaos, meal planning, family entertainment, & everything in between in the Mommy Monologues family. I started this blog in March of 2010 as a new mom and was looking for an outlet while trying to figure out motherhood. Blogging was great, exciting, new, wonderful & an awesome … [Continue Reading]
Can't wait to see the new look! 🙂
Hope construction is going well.