Apparently, I started blogging back when it was “Old School.” And just like all things internet, blogging is constantly evolving & changing. So today, for nostalgia’s sake, we are going back in time to do an old meme! Enjoy! And join in if you like!! Where is your cell phone? Right next to me. And my […]
Six Word Saturday–A New Meme
I found this Meme over at Our Mommyhood‘s list. And I thought that this one would be a great challenge (and extremely hard.) The task at hand is to describe your life in six words! Example (not one I came up with) “Found true love, married someone else.” So here is my life is six […]
Getting to Know You
It’s that time of the week again! So here we go! 1. If you could have one of Superman’s, powers which one would you want? Superhuman strength..Flight..Superhuman speed..X-Ray vision..etcDo I have to choose one? I can be kind of greedy….I think I’d want flight. 2. The best thing I ever won is….?I’ve got my fingers […]