I came across this video a couple of days ago as I was looking through my Facebook feed about toys for girls that aren’t marketed towards all things pink, dolls, & cooking. Watch it, it’s a short 2 minute video, & it’s awesome! Ever since having a girl, I have been really focused on making sure that she knows […]
I took the day off & became Twitter Famous
How often do you take a break from responsibility? I mean, true breaks! Not a day where someone takes the kids & you spend your time working or running errands, but a break where you have time to yourself. Today, I had such a break. The first break that was all about what I wanted to […]
Yes, he calls me Kate…
…No I do not care. 😉 I get a lot of questions about this…so I thought I’d write a post about it. Lboy calls Todd & I by our first names. We are Kate & Todd about 50% of the time and then Mommy & Daddy the other 50%. It is starting to become less […]
Internet: The worst technological invention ever
I was browsing through Kludgy Mom’s idea bank tonight & came across one that says to write about what you think is the worst technological invention ever. Ironically, I would say it’s the internet. The internet is the place where pregnant women start Googling the signs of miscarriage and convince themselves that they’ve had one […]
Is staying home the right choice?
A direct consequence of major life changes, the good ones and the bad ones, is how much I over analyze everything. It’s exhausting to be quite frank. I’ve had two major changes this year, one is a beautiful new daughter. The other was the loss of my grandmother.  At her funeral, I was able to get up and […]
Speaking at Grandma’s Funeral
A week ago today, my grandmother, one of the most amazing women I’ll ever know, passed away. She had 4 children, 17 grandchildren, & 15 great-grandchildren, & more loved ones than you can count. She was so special & we are all so sad to not have her here with us anymore. I spent some […]
Things that Bug Me
A PLAYFUL list of things that can bug the crud out of you (And when I say these things bugged me, I would like to point out that these are incidents that had me laughing–eventually)… 1. The gas light coming on 30 miles outside of your destination & no gas station being in sight. 2. […]
Being Sick is no fun!
Photo Credits By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class. ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh, author Last Thursday, Lboy woke up running a fever, was extremely congested, & just didn’t feel good all around. He ran a fever Thursday-Saturday. On Sunday, we […]
I’m an anxiety freak
I’m an anxious person, trust me, I come by it naturally. I don’t like to go anywhere without my own car. Don’t ever ask me to ride with you, cause it ain’t gonna happen. I have to have my own car. What if I need to leave? What if something happens or I’m bored or […]
Bad Mood Mama
Photo Credits Last week was probably the worst week known to mankind, okay, just the hardest week known to mankind in my book. Tuesday was awful. Todd & I had an argument. It was an argument where I felt like I had substantial ground to be angry & then I flipped my lid & said […]