The questions..
1. While at the beach, pool, etc..Do you cover up your assets or show them off?
I’ll wear a two piece this summer–if I can find a swimsuit top big enough to cover up my ginormous breast feeding chest. I’m ready to be back into a C cup for real y’all.
2. Road trips or Plane trips?
Both! It depends on what the trip is about. The drive on vacation can be just as much fun as the actual destination. But sometimes a plane ride is just necessary.
3. I can’t stand it when…?
Gosh. I’m totally blank on this one. Lately, I’ve been reading some blogs & in the comment form there is a ton of hate mail. I just don’t understand why a person would lash out at someone just because of a difference of opinion.
4. Have you ever gone topless at the beach?
Oh no way dude. But I have been to topless beaches. In Europe that’s just the way it is. At first when you get to the beach you’re all awkward, but then you become accustomed to it. And a lot of people here in the US assume that it’s only the hot chicks walking around topless, but y’all 9 times out of 10 it’s the grandmas.
5. How many blog carnivals do you do a week?
Usually, I just participate in this one. But last Wednesday I did another one (You Know You’re a Mom When Daze). There are a few I want to get involved in.
6. My favorite thing about the weekend is…?
Having Todd at home.
7. Pancakes or waffles?
Pancakes all the way!
8. Water Park or Amusement Park?
Neither. Is that boring? I hate lines (I should have put this in the #3 spot 🙂 But I have been to a lot of both & always had a blast while I’m there. But if I plan a trip I usually skip right over these things. Now that I’m a parent I’m told I better get ready to take my kids to Disney World & all that.
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL THE DADS! Especially to the ones most important in my life–Todd & my Daddy, my Grandpa, & my Father-in-law!
Hi Kate, just stopping by to see your answers. I said neither too to amusements parks/water parks! LOL. We have gone to Disney a few times, really for the kids. Enjoy your Sunday!
My favorite part of the weekend is when my husband is home too! It is SO nice to spend time together and have some extra hands!!
I agree with you on #8! I actually hate Disney World for that reason! I always tell my parents that when I have kids they can take them to Disney World because I don't know if I can handle it!
I nearly shot coffee through my nose at #1!!! HAHAHA! Oh, how I have NO idea what that's like! I don't know that I even got to a B cup with breastfeeding!!! 🙂
Have a great Father's Day!
Disney World just wasn't that exciting to me as a kid, but we lived near Busch Gardens and the lines were worth it!
I am with you with #2! Both are a must! I however love Disneyland, and don't mind waiting in line to go on all the rides!
Me encanta tu blog! I am now a follower!
I hate the lines as well. Great thing about some of Disney rides is the fast pass system.
If I had the body for a topless beach I would probably do it…. but, not the frumpy mom look… sorry.
I need to check out the When Daze blog meme. I have heard a lot about it!
Yes!! The topless women are of all ages, shapes and sizes 🙂
C-cup? I would love to get up to a C-cup haha. But I think I'm eternally stuck at A 🙁
Saying hi from SITS! Kind of a comment on two of your posts — you know you''re a mom when you don't like amusement parks but go to DisneyWorld for a week in late June when it's 100 percent humidity and rains cats and dogs everyday! Fun blog! Inspires me to keep writing and keep meeting new people!
You had me cracking up at the first answer. I remember those days of huge boobs while nursing. Good luck with finding a bathing suit!