She still sleeps in a pack n’play in our room…aka…she wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning & ends up in bed with us. Hey, she’s the 2nd child, everything comes slower for the 2nd one.
And I didn’t notice it until 7 at night… and at that point I didn’t even change it…who really cares. Why bother? The only thing that could have made this all the more perfect was if I had discovered baby vomit on it somewhere.
Told ya.
Have any mom shame moments to share of your own?!
As introduced to me on…. Mom Shaming. They’re pretty funny. So go check them out.
This is funny! Laudry Shame is something that just happened to me this week. I didn’t have any clean pants for my toddler so I took a pair from the hamper. An hour later, I noticed some sticky stuff on the back of them. I think it was left over from a poptart he ate last week!
Oh no!! That’s so something that would happen to me!!
Kate Most Recent Post…Mom Shaming
I have a toothpaste stain on my shirt and didn’t notice until my husband walked in the door tonight.
It happens! Yeah I was feeling terrible yesterday with no appetite so I never thought about food. I took my kids to see Sesame Street Live last night when my oldest said MOM IM STARVING why havent you fed me today.. total mom fail it was like 8pm and the poor child hadn’t eaten all day 🙁
brittney Most Recent Post…I need you!