Welcome to my First Featurette Post! I’m super excited to have Marlie here today. I’d like to thank her for writing & for being the first to volunteer for a project that I wasn’t sure would kick off or not. She has a beautiful family & she writes a great blog…so without further ado, I’ll turn you over to her!
Hey Y’all…I’m Marlessa (Marlie) over at Southern Reflections, wife, mom of 2, and soon to be special ed teacher!! I am thrilled to be guest blogging for Kate today!! When she asked for interest in being a guest blogger, I immediately e-mailed her, and she promptly responded which was so awesome and professional of her!! I truly appreciate being here today, Kate!!
Kate told me I could write about ANYTHING I wanted so before I do, I want to share a little bit about my life of blogging!! I started my blog a little over a year ago, but I did not start “blogging” until about 3 months ago. In other words, I used my blog just to share pictures and stories with family, but now I have connected with some really awesome people…moms with great advice and giveaways, inspirational men & women who share their love for Christ, and people who just know how to put a smile on my face through their art of writing!! My favorite blogs to read (other than Mommy Monologues, of course) are The Everyday Life Of The MilShelb Mom, The Strubler’s Out In California, and Me & My Boys!! There are SO many blogs that I really like to read (just look all around my blog, and you will see them listed). I always appreciate everyone who visits me and enjoy returning the favor!! My best blogging tip is to have fun, be yourself and join in on blog hops whenever you can!! Speaking of blog hops, I will be hosting my first blog hop Monday, so be sure and link up!! My main goal is to spread the news of International Christian Mission through my blog, so here’s a link that shares a little more about ICM!! Thank y’all for reading!!
I have been inspired to write this post for quite some time, and I’m about to be probably the most honest I’ve been yet!! So…let’s talk about religion…I’m not ashamed!! First of all, I want to clarify…for me, it’s NOT a religion…It’s a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!! I’ve read where people proclaim that they are religious, but it’s private to them and not something they feel the need to share with others, yet they proudly convey a love of alcohol, curse words, and share about their intimate sex lives. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not judging because that is certainly not my place, but when I read posts such as these, I tend to shy away, and rightfully so!! As Christians and sons and daughters of Christ, we should PROUDLY SHOUT TO THE WORLD ABOUT GOD’S POWERFUL, MIRACULOUS LOVE and live in a way that glorifies Him, not embarrasses Him!! As you’ll see over on my blog, my motto is…”I want to be Your hands and feet…I want to live a life that leads…I pray that they see more of You and less of me,” and I truly mean every word of that; I long to live out loud for Christ!!
In my opinion, there is a difference between following a religion and having a relationship with Christ!! In short, religion can add a heavy weight to many who find themselves constantly worrying about all they need to do to be good in the eyes of the Lord and sadly never feeling good enough because they haven’t done what their ‘religion’ tells them to do instead of what the Lord has asked of them which is so simple and freeing and clearly written in His Holy Word!! Can I please just say that no man is closer to Christ than the next; we all have equal opportunity to be as close to Him as possible as long as we are living our lives for Him!! It breaks my heart to see people who trust what ‘men’ say because they believe they are closer to the Lord than they are. Jesus assures us that trusting in men will lead to destruction, and we should put our Trust in Christ ALONE!! We are all sinners and fall short of God’s glory everyday, but He is a forgiving God and sent His son to die on a cross so we could live for eternity with Him in Heaven!! My relationship with Christ helps me get through every single day; His grace and mercy alone are the reasons I am here today and wrote this post that I felt lead to share!!
My neck is better. I woke up yesterday NOT ABLE TO MOVE again! And today, I’m fully functioning once! I have a ton of comments to get back to & blogs to visits, since I have been MIA for a few days. A HUGE shout out & THANKS to my cousin who dropped everything yesterday, skipped a work meeting, & came over and played mommy! I wouldn’t have been able to do anything today without her.
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com or check out my Featurettes Page!
Hi Marlie! Nice to meet you.
Wow I really needed to read this. 🙂 Thanks. As a Christian, this post was a big kick in the pants. I haven't been acting as I should, so thanks for calling me out on it.
I hope I can get my relationship with Christ back on track! (I guess it's not so much "can" as "will") Thanks Marlie, nice to hear from you 🙂
Great post! I'll be checking you out for sure. It's great to find fellow believers who are not "in the closet." I love that song "Shout to the Lord" because it reminds me that I should be shouting every chance I get of His grace and glory.
OMG I love this post! You should have a featurette like, daily! Not that I don't love your posts, but, I like a lot of postings! I'm off to follow Marlie now too!
Happy Birthday Marlie!! You are such a tremendous litlte girl. A force of nature really. Can’t wait to see all she accomplishes over the years. And Happy Labor Day to you Teresha!! It may be have a tough 2’s and you may have an exhausting 3’s ahead of you but she is amazing. Give yourself and that sweet thing lots of hugs from us!!
How awesome Kate!!! Great idea.
Great post Marlie! 🙂
So glad your neck is feeling better Kate! Did you go to the doctor?
Thank you so much again for having me here, Kate!! I really appreciate it; you're awesome!! 😀
Thank you Marlie for writing the post! And thank you everyone for sharing the love via comments to her! You made my first featurette a success!