I would like to introduce you to this week’s Featurette! She is Natalie from Mommy of a Monster (I mean Toddler) & Infant Twins! You can also find her atΓΒ Our Mommyhood asΓΒ an editor. She’s awesome, so please show her some love!!!
Hi There! I’m Natalie, and I’m so excited to be over here visiting with you all here at Mommy Monologues! Thanks Kate, for having me!
You can usually find me over at Mommy of a Monster (I Mean Toddler) and Infant Twins. That’s right…I have a toddler (my monster) who will be three in August, and twin girls (one of whom is following in her brother’s footsteps and is a monster-in-training) that will be a year old in August. That’s three little ones all under three. Yes, life is crazy. Yes, I am very busy. And no, I don’t know how I do it…I just do it!
The relationship the twins have is amazing to me. I have some beautiful pictures of the two of them sleeping and snuggling together when they were newborns. They always have gravitated towards each other, and continue to do so. When they were newborns and sleeping in the same crib, we used to put them at opposite ends, but when we’d check on them, they’d be right next to each other! We don’t know how they did it, but we tested it out several times and they would always end up back together.
When they are playing, they always sit very near each other, and often are touching. They stare at each other and smile. They kiss each other. Ms. L is more clingy/whiny than Ms. M, but if Ms. M is hurt or just needs some mommy time, Ms. L will “be good” for a considerable length of time before reverting to her regular shenanigans.
Other moms of twins have told me that when they start talking, they develop their own little language. I think that’s super cool and I’m looking forward to it! I’m sure it will drive their brother crazy since he won’t be able to understand them π
And now, Kate had some questions she wanted me to answer, so here they are…
What’s your favorite blog to read?
What? I can only pick one? I’m going to have to cheat a little here. I have 14 blogs on my blog roll that I read every day, no matter what. 14! That’s a lot of blogs! I can’t pick a top favorite, but here are the five I always read first (in alphabetical order):
a belle, a bean, and a chicago dog
Funny or Snot
Letters for Lucas
Pretty All True
Taming Insanity
What’s your best blogging tip?
I just wrote a whole post on this last Saturday (Kate – great minds think alike!). The first one on my list was to always respond to comments by email, or if that isn’t possible, to visit the commenter’s blog and leave a comment there. I think it helps to develop relationships with your readers.
Give a link to your favorite blog post you’ve ever written!
I participate in the meme “You Know You’re a Mom When-sDaze” and I love those posts because I literally just jot things down throughout the week of things that happen and put them all together into a post. They are honest, funny, and all moms can relate to them!
But my favorite post ever is probably My Nana. It was the second post that I had ever written on my blog. I think it only has one comment. My Nana passed away in March and it’s her story. And there is an amazing poem she wrote thirty years before she died that the kids found after her death. You should check it out because it’s pretty cool!
So there you have it! Me, in a nutshell! Thanks again Kate for having me over for a visit!
Great post!!
I have an award for ya Kate!
Come by and pick it up!
Love this Mommy of A Monster! π
So cute. My twin nephews would always hold hands as babies. They are 6 now and super best friends with 3 other siblings.
following your blog GFC
love the guest post, natalie! can't believe how much you've done (blogging-wise) in 3 short months. Awesome!!
Natalie is one of my must visit every day blogs. I think I first related to her in the sense that I have a 2 year old and almost 2 one year olds in addition to a five year old. I enjoy reading her stories and it helps me to know I'm not going through things alone. I'm glad you featured her! Natalie, I am looking forward to my boys developing a language of their own as well. It is so fun to watch them interact.
I totally agree with her blogging tip!! SOOOO true!!
Natalie is the best. And now I kind of wish I had twins.
But they run in my family so….we'll see.
Thanks again Kate for having me visit!
And thanks to all the readers for the love π
I seriously don't know how you do it. That is one of many reasons I am scared to have another child. I am scared I will be given twins.
Gotta love me some Natalie! π
I seriously don't know how you do it girl with 3 (THREE!!!) under Three. NUTSO!! You are my idol.
Congrats on being featured here, Natalie! Your energy to blog with three under age three amazes me.
The post about your Nana is sweet. Makes me miss my Gram just thinking about it… π It is amazing that people continue to play a pivotal role in our lives, even after their passing.
Kate, as always, love your featurette! π
I hope you all have a great weekend!
~ Alyna