As my 17 year old brother so eloquently put it, “Kate’s crashing into 30 loud and clear.” Ah, thank you very much for that little bro! He is also still at the age where he believes life after 30 is pointless because you are so, and I quote, “OLD!” For the last few months […]
What did you find in your toilet bowl?
What did you find in your toilet bowl? Was it a sippy cup, a roll of toilet paper, a ginger ale can, & 4 empty toilet paper rolls? I was in the shower for all of 10 minutes & this was the lovely mess I found. Todd’s response when I texted him the picture: “Have […]
Diaries of a Supermom Diva-Wordless Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday! I had BLAST doing this design! It pushed me way beyond anything I had ever done before and I think it came out perfect. Chanel told me that she liked pink, purple & teal. Once I sent her the design, this is what she had to say, “I LOVE it!!! It really matches […]
Three Years & Counting!
My Wordless Wednesday! June 9, 2007 & Counting! A co-worker of Todd’s asked him if we had been married for 6 or 7 years. Todd was confused as to why his friend thought that. His friend said, “Because you have a one year old. I just assumed you waited 4 or 5 years before having […]
Grandma gave the finger
Do you see all of our faces?!!! The most lady like person in my family, did the most unlady like thing–it involved a middle finger! I think the photo speaks for itself that we were quite shocked & found it to be downright hilarious!!! Can we say Christmas Card 2010?!!! Past Posts You Are Guaranteed […]