Update on Flowerbed!!!
We got 1/3 of the stones down!
Close up!
My Red Gloves!
Phatness’s & My Gloves on yard tools!
Phatness couldn’t find his “man” gloves-so he had to wear my butterfly ones! hahaha At least he’s secure in his manhood!
Phatness took a break!
Wolverine played, Phatness climbed the tree, & I took the pictures! (That’s why there’s not a single one of me in here! Next time!)
If you want to check out what this looked like when I started on Thursday here’s the link:
I was just looking at my sad flower beds today. Love those butterfly work gloves 🙂
haha Oh yes they are beautiful aren't they?! If you look at my post titled "My Green Thumb Woes" from this past Thursday you can see the beginning of the flowerbed! It was terrbile!
it's looking great kate! glad you had a great time 🙂
Thanks! We had fun, ready to go again tomorrow & get most of it finished!
I love those gloves. Red in the garden…don't you feel like a lady working in the garden?! Thank goodness for men who are secure in their manhood!
so yeah…i have a black thumb. like really black. ahh well, i'm good at other things, like making fun of celebrities and buying makeup. but during the apocalypse, i'd definitely rather live with you than me (you know, sustainable living and all). thanks for stopping by my blog! hope to see you around again soon.
The butterfly gloves are hott. I can grow herbs in pots, but the gardening thing is not for me… I never know what to rip out and what to keep! I am dreading putting in our beds {we may have ripped out the old ones 3 years ago… it's really time to do something with them} this spring/summer. It is SUCH hard work!
Redeemed Diva: I love working outside! My grandparents live on 400 acres & they used to have veg gardens & beautiful flower beds. We were ALWAYS down there working, yesterday I felt like I was back there doing it again! I'm ready to get my veg garden going, but I think that's going to have to wait until next year.
Alexis: Here's the deal: I'll grow the food while you make fun of celebrities so I'm laughing my way through the work…thanks for stopping by! I def plan on keeping up with your place!
Michelle: This is all a learning process for me. I've never done flowers, vegs yes. Flowers no. I've been calling up a cousin of mine who does lanscaping for living & driving her nuts with questions. We will see how it looks. lol And it IS such hard work!!! I woke up so sore this morning after building that wall! lol Thanks for stopping by! I just checked out your place, I love it!
Looks like fun! Looks warm!! Love that your husband wore your gloves 🙂