Dear Baby O,
Wow. Are you TWO already??? I’ve been told you’re too old for me to refer to you as my baby, but guess what? I’m always going to consider you my baby girl, even when you’re 60!
It feels like just yesterday that I told Todd we were pregnant. Felt your first kick. Saw your beautiful face on an ultrasound. Pushed you into the world.
I spent the entire pregnancy dying of curiosity to find out what you looked like & what kind of a baby you were going to be. I would joke that I was going to go overboard on buying all things pink & then I literally bought ALL THINGS PINK! We learned just from being pregnant with you that you plan on doing everything your own way, from being 5 days late to walking exactly when you wanted to. You have your mind made up on how things are supposed to go & I find it admirable in such a small person & terrifying for how it’s going to be in 14 years. Ha!
You aren’t afraid to tell your brother exactly what you think, but you also worship the ground he walks on. The two of you are so adorable & so wonderful together. When your brother fell down while he was playing the other day, I saw you rush to his side to rub his back & you rubbed his head with your precious, tiny little hands. I sat there so grateful that you have each other.
I carried you on a hike today. You weren’t happy that I wouldn’t let you run off to the side, that you couldn’t keep up with the big kids, that you had to wear your coat & hold my hand. I loved that you insisted we take your Minnie Mouse blanket, when you cuddled your head on my shoulder when it got windy & how you slept all the way down the mountain.
But, I won’t lie. You wore me out. You wore us all out. I wanted to go home & sleep for days after that walk. Whew! You’re a small package with a massive personality & you have adults crashing! You keep us busy, you keep us guessing, you keep us laughing & just waiting with baited breath for what you are going to do next.
You’re adorable. I love your curls, your blue eyes, your big cheeks, the way you talk, play the harmonica, & your raspy laugh. I love that we share the same middle name & that I named you after my mom! Just do mommy a favor, let’s cut back on the tantrums that come with the age of two & spend more time doing adorable things?! M’kay? Regardless, I think we are going to have a splendid time watching you grow. I’m excited & proud to be your mom!
You’re the love of my life!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

The 3 of us!
Happy Birthday! I can’t believe it’s been two years!
Leighann Most Recent Post…All of the Babies
I can’t either Leighann! I started this blog when my oldest was 10 months old & here we are with his 5th birthday coming up & the “new baby” is already TWO! Why does it go so fast???