Yes, he already has eating habits that have me completely bewildered! He is obsessed with snack food, will have nothing to do with other kinds of food–am I supposed to force feed him or is this another example of how I’m an imperfect mother?!
You see, he has these two favorite things: Mild Cheddar Gerber Graduates Lil Crunchies & Gerber Biter Biscuits. I can’t tell you how much these things have saved my you know what. I ususlly save them for car rides. And when my beautiful, sweet, always smiling, baby boy becomes a wild, screaming banshee, I usually bust out the baby cheetos. He literally laughs out loud with sheer excitement & devours them as fast as you can say “cheeto.” It’s the same way with the biter biscuits. (I’m not saying every time your kid is pissed, appeal to his happier side by giving him food–I’m saying throw them at him if you have to. 🙂
But lately, all my child will do is nurse & eat cheetos or biscuits. For breakfast? For lunch? For supper? Oh yes my friends, he literally shoves the spoon of Summertime Peaches or Apple Cherries away from him & starts screaming (foods he used to LOVE!) I try again, we make airplane noises & swirly motions with the spoon, I make silly noises–everything! Doesn’t work! But the minute those biter biscuits pop out, it’s like Christmas! Actually, it’s more like “Thank God Mom, I thought you were going to starve me!”
I have no idea what to do…I’m stuck! It’s just another thing to add to the list of things to talk to the doctor about at the 12 month appointment–how do I get my 11 month old, who has the stubborn streak of an 50 year old grown man, to eat like he’s supposed to?!!!
That's kind of like my daughter, she's been doing that for the past few days– not Cheetos (bc she hasn't had them) but all the Gerber snacks (puffs, etc.) and biscuits too. I was wondering about it??!! (She'll be 1 in a week.) It's been pretty frustrating, not to mention it has me worried.
LOL!!!!!!! He will get sick of them soon enough=0) Both my kids have done such crazy things like that. I don't know why they stick to 1 or 2 things and they HAVE to eat only that or it's a total ghetto scene. BE STRONG GIRL! It will pass and then it will be something else, LOL! These chitlin's are too much, LOL! Gotta run….my 1.5yr old it screaming that she wants more crackers. Ay yay yay……
Alexia: At first I thought it was because he was teething, he usually loses his appetite when that happens. Now the habit has just stayed! Hmmm…No clue why!
Carol: Happy Mother's Day to you too! Glad to hear that all the kiddos are doing it!
Cheetos = perfection in his book! Too funny! Hopefully he'll add to his list of acceptable foods soon!
First of all, at his age, he still gets 100% of what he needs from nursing, so don't worry about him health wise. Before age 1, food is pretty much a recreational/learning thing :-p
My 2 1/2 year old loved to eat those things when she was his age- they make great first finger foods. She is now an great little eater who eats way better than any grownup I know! My 2 cents:
If you REALLY don't want him to eat something, then stop buying it :-p No mommy wants to see her baby cry, and if you have them on hand it's really hard not to give in. Once he gets over it and begins eating a more diverse diet it will be easier to give him a little of something he really likes along with regular, healthy food.
I never forced her to eat anything- it's all about exposure. If she didn't like something, I'd try again a couple feedings/days/weeks later. Sometimes it took 5-6 times to introduce (or reintroduce in the case of peas) a new food. I tried to put several colors on her plate to peak her interest- and later it was a good teaching tool :-p
Since I imagine he's not eating a whole lot of solids yet, have you tried homemade baby food? Once I started doing that, Molly really began eating with gusto! In many cases, it tastes much better because its not cooked. It's also so much cheaper, especially if you freeze it in ice cube trays and defrost as needed.
Bananas are a good place to start because you don't have to do any cooking- just mash the thing up right there! Ripe pears and peaches you can just cut into age appropriate sized pieces. Sweet potatoes, squash, and apples are easy to bake (or microwave) and you just spoon it out- no blending required. I used to spend an hour or 2 on the weekend cutting/baking/scooping food for the week. If you freeze it in ice cube trays, then it's already pre-portioned too 🙂
Anyways, no matter what, he'll be fine. He's healthy, happy, and adorable. I promise he won't be taking the biter biscuits to kindergarten.
Cindy said that Chase used to LOVE beets when he was a baby… But he won't eat them now.. He's a such a weird dude.
My daughter is a little over a year and doing the same thing. Expect with her she is only eating yogurt, purred baby fruits and a few bites off my tray.
She spits out anything else I try to feed her! It is hard not to be confused and bewildered but it is just a stage and soon I know she will want more than just these items.
She is still being breastfed 3 times a day so I do not worry about it too much, because I know she is getting nutrients from that.
From what I have heard, finickiness is VERY common around this age and there is not much we moms can do but be patient and try to understand their need for 'independence.'
This is all good to hear! Because he used to be absolutely fascinated with EVERYTHING! He's not anymore–but for some reason he loves the dog's food?! hmmm…. 🙂
I know what you mean! Toddler girl has been giving me big issues as well. It's a conspiracy! I feel another post coming on.
well, regardless of his eating habits, he's a cutie!
My lil' dude is SO finicky right now too!
i was loving the pictures, then I got to the last one. I can't get over how shiny your dog's coat is!!!
mmmm Cheetos 🙂