I’m now joining the ranks of the Friday Flip Offs–only I’m naming mine the DOUBLE Friday Flip Off.
Dear Sony Vaio,
Yes, that’s right. I’m giving you the double finger right now. I bought my beautiful, pink computer from you two years ago & I have NEVER had more problems with a system in.my.life. You will remember dear stupid sony that I had to send my computer to you for a hard drive crash in June?! Can you please tell me why a not even two year old computer has already had to have the hard drive replaced & now the friggin’ screen?!! I’m over you Sony. MAC BOOK HERE I COME!!!
Dear Sony Vaio Customer Service Rep,
I’m sorry that the background noise of the baby gets on your nerves. You get on my nerves. If you have a problem with the baby you have a problem with me. I didn’t spend a lovely $1200.00 on a computer for it to break twice (at no fault of my own) and then to have you, the customer service idiot guy tell me my child is making too much noise for you to work. Get over it. MAC BOOK HERE I COME!!!
Okay…I’m done ranting!
I’ve talked to Sony and they are sending a repair man to the house next week. It will be at no cost to me because of the warranty that I bought. I just think this is ridiculous. Never buying a Vaio again (and I’ve owned a Vaio of some sort for 10 years-I love Vaios-okay, I loved Vaios. Past tense.) Like I said, MAC BOOK HERE I COME!!!
Ever have problems with technology or customer service peeps that just makes you furious?!!!
I had a Vaio and it gave me LOTS of trouble over 3 years. It died and I replaced it with a Dell Inspiron. The Inspiron is great, but it's charger and power cord SUCK. (still, that's an easy $30 fix)
(Personal Computers) I couldn’t find many reewvis for this machine, so I thought after a couple of weeks of thorough use I could leave some information:First of all, I did not buy this from Amazon, I paid a little bit more money to order it from Sony directly (free PS3 that was a no brainer). Also, by way of free stuff this comes with a not-too-shabby’ pair of headphones. After looking up the model number, I found that these go for about 100 dollars. I personally love the headphones and think they have excellent sound. The other freebie is a year pass to some online music studio (I’m not too thrilled about this, but if that’s your thing I suppose it’s a good deal) you’d need to check Sony’s site for more info on what this is as I have no interest in learning more about it.Now for the laptop: I just started law school and usually use this about 7 hours a day. The battery charge is okay, but nothing too impressive (certainly not around the listed time of 5.5 to 6 hours). The screen looks great. I have an old 2008 white shell macbook and a newer late-2010 iMac, I would rate this display better than either of those (that could just be me though). So far as snappy performance, I would say it does pretty well. I have been an Apple person for a long time but got fed up with being served hardware running low specs and last year’s processors, so for the price point and the bang for my buck I switched to a PC for this venture. The only other experience I have with a PC is my parents’ PC I helped set up, it’s a 2011 HP and this machine kicks the crap out of that.The keyboard is super-comfy and the back light is nice (in case you’re wondering it’s pretty simple to turn off as well). The track pad took some getting used to, but I like it. It does not require a full push down to operate, a simple touch-tap will do. You can fully customize all sorts of options with the pad or turn it off completely. I like to use a mouse unless it’s simple stuff like changing programs during class it’s really not something that would change my mind about buying this computer, though.The fan has received some complaints on various sites that I’ve looked at I don’t understand this. The thing is whisper quiet if the back lit keyboard is on it tends to come on more (and then again I could just be crazy) but the fan is a non factor; it’s not distracting and really not loud at all. The other complaint I’ve seen is the finish of the casing itself. This annoys me because I like things to look new and perfect. Fingerprints and hand smudges are easily seen all over this thing (and not just I ate some greasy pizza of course there are prints all over this thing’ kind of prints either natural skin oils show up as if your 3 year old went to town on this thing). Still, I use a damp cloth to wipe it down and it’s fine. As long as I mention aesthetics I should say this thing is pretty darn thin (considering it’s NOT a solid slate drive) and the red accent makes it look nice.Okay, well for anything else you can really just check out the specs on the product info. This is a great deal and the free stuff thrown in really made this a no brainer. If you’re a student consider getting it from Sony and cashing in on the free PS gear (please consider the date on this review the deal may be over). Even without the free stuff this is an awesome machine and I’m happy I made the switch back over to PC for this. If you want to know any particulars or if I missed something you’re dying to know about before committing to it, please leave me a comment. Mind you that I’m in school 10 hours a day, but I will get back to you ASAP.
You're the second person today that has told me that they LOVE their dell. My hubs has one and it's a great comp but his battery & power cord are awful too!
I hear ya Kate! We've been getting the same crappy customer service from our ISP for the past. 3. weeks. It's making me frustrated enough to want to scream.
MacBooks are the devil. When Macs break, they aren't fixable 🙂 ok, and I'm a PC girl. Never had a Vaio though. My bro has one and his battery's shot but other than that it works (last I heard)
I would have to agree that I love my pink dell! I haven't had any problems with it and I've had mine for 3 years. I can't believe that the customer service rep told you your baby was making too much noise. I think I might have lost it.
My Vaio is holding up nicely after two years…is it going to spontaneously combust now? LOL! Oh, and Josh is currently cussing at his Macbook and about to need his third power cord. So you'll end up with the same power cord problem with a Mac as a Dell.
Bluewhitlelife & phoebeholmes: i'm generally a pc girl- i just thought that if i threw it out there that i was going mac then maybe sony would give a flyin' flip that my comp was broke…again…lol & i have a vaio i bought in 2002 that still works (no screen though hmmm) and i love it
I get so overheated talking to those techy type customer service reps. Most of them are so arrogant. My Achilles heel is cable/satellite TV companies. I just got into it big time with Direct TV because we wanted to terminate our service. We had to get someone out every other month to fix service on one box because it kept going out. Finally we had enough and wanted to get Uverse-which is the bomb BTW- and they wanted to stick us with a $250 early termination fee. I flipped my lid!
Anywhoo-sorry for the rant. I wanted to say I love your blog and I gave you an award! http://imo-fwiw.blogspot.com/2010/09/im-baaaaack.html
Have a great weekend!
aaaah OMG I had a Verizon customer service rep complain about crying babies when they called ME last week…I had a bit of a meltdown and hang up on that person!
Its like you're the last person we want to be on the phone with and you are going to complain about the crying baby…yah I know its annoying but you can't say it!! I will flip those customer reps off too!!
macbooks are the BEST!!!!!!!! I will never get anything else!
Oh girl. I know exactly how you feel but mine was with DEVIL…I mean DELL. I now have a macbook and have never looked back.
This is way more helpful than anynhitg else I’ve looked at.
whoa…he seriously complained about LBoys noise?!?!? what's with people?!
Can I just tell you that once you go Mac you will never go back to a pc or ( piece of cr*p)again!
What's happened to customer service????
Thanks for visiting during my SITS Day!
I'm all about flipping crap off, and this was worth it. WISH i could convert to mac. I'm kinda intimidated!