1. Have you ever snooped around someone else’s house?
Yes. But usually it’s someones house that is beautifully decorated & I want to see how they did it. I’m basically in awe of people who can do interior decorating!
2. Can guys and girls be friends? ( thanks Jen!)
Oh goodness, the ultimate “When Harry Met Sally” question. Yes & No. Yes, because the majority of my friends before I was married were guys. No, because after I was married I learned which of the guys were genuinely my friends & which ones weren’t interested in being friends with me after I said “I do” to someone that wasn’t them.
3. Can you curl your tongue?
Yes. And I can do a three leaf clover too.
4. Have you ever stolen anything?
Oh no way. I am your stereotypical oldest child who is afraid of breaking any & all rules. And my father is an attorney. Whenever I broke a rule he usually pulled out the legal books & would show me what my punishment would be according to the law. Yeah, he was/is hardcore.
5. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
Text. I’m really not a phone talker.
6. Memorial Day plans?
Was supposed to go on a float trip. But now we are just staying home & watching movies.
7. What do you do to relax?
I love my jetted tub! In fact, when we moved into the house I told my mother-in-law that I would never use the tub, ever. Seven days later, I had used it every.single.day.
8. Do you do anything to honor those that have died fighting for our freedom?
Whenever I see someone in uniform (or know that they are in the military) I always thank them for their service. I’m proud to have such amazing men & women represent me, my family, & my country. The men & women, soldiers & spouses, who work to defend my freedom are AWESOME & INSPIRING! ::Round of Applause to Them::
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com or check out the menu tab “Featurettes” for more info!
How cool is it that you can do those crazy things with your tongue-that's no fair! 🙂
Really I can relate a little to your dad as you were growing up. I grew up in a house with my dad and stepmom who were both police officers so you can imagine what that was like. We had nails in our windows so people couldn't lift them from the outside-guess they didn't think about nonbreakable glass 🙂 and deadbolts on our doors so someone couldn't break into our door in the middle of the night. I tell ya- paranoid is not the word!
Your dad sounds pretty cool!
3 leaf clover? color me jealous!!
I agree w/ you on the interior design. I need help!! I'm not a phone talker either. Usually my kids are screaming/playing too loud for me to talk. LOL!
GC: My dad is very cool! And very hardcore!
Exposed Mom: I would snoop around your house to look at all of your pictures!!! lol