Typically whenever Wolverine is starting to get bored with his toys when he’s playing at home, I give him the “toy” that I reserve for last. My keys! He loves them, as most babies love keys, but the kicker is whenever he hits the lock button & honks the horn the dog goes crazy. And it’s the dog that gets my baby happy, not the keys. It is a sure method of getting Wolverine boy to be super happy in about 30 seconds flat, cause he’s going to hit that button & Giorgio (my 5 lb yorkie) is going to go friggin’ bizerk when that horn honks. Works every time. It’s so awesome.
Let me tell you about Giorgio. Giorgio was born December 5, 2007. I had a co-worker who got a puppy for Christmas that year & I came home from work with puppy fever. (Side note: when I lived in Spain for a summer my host mom had a yorkie named Eloa & she was precious! My roommate & I always said that when we could we would get yorkies & sure enough, my friend got her yorkie, Simon, & I got my yorkie.)
Wolverine is mesmorized by him. The G is not even close to being interested (unless Wolverine is eating.) I was at the pet store the other day waiting for Giorgio to get his nails clipped. While Gman was in the back with a tech, an employee/aquaintance came into the waiting area & started talking to someone, recognized me, & then came over to say hi to Wolverine & me. She asked how Giorgio was handling Wolverine, I told her he wasn’t really interested, & she said, “Well, he was usurped by [then points sternly at Wolverine] baby.” Then she looked at Wolverine, tapped him on the head & said, “Cute baby”–but it wasn’t the kind of “oh my gosh you’re baby is so cute” gushing that you get from some people, it was like “ugh babies are gross, why do people have them” kind of look. So, the usurper, the usurped, & the guilty mommy of both went home.
ok little gman is adorable too…
mends last comment …cute couple…precious baby and adorable dog
thanks again!
oh & tried to get your button, couldn't get it to work on my page 🙁 it's such a cute button! i'm going to try again tomorrow…thanks for following this new blogger! i appreciate it! and for commenting! makes me feel like i'm not wasting my time
One of Isabelle's (my dog) best mates is a Yorkie and she goes berzerk when she hears him at the park outside our building. It is SO cute to see them play.
Isabelle has bee usurped by the blog. Poor thing. I still do a good job (at least, she seems to convey this) of giving her oodles of love and exercise but, we went from walking about 6 miles every day to doing more like 2-3 miles along with some time at the park.
Great, now I feel guilty and am going to go take her for another walk. Thanks, Kate! 😛