At least God hates her according to a fanatical religious group, the Westboro Baptist Church.
You actually might have heard of them, they are the creeps that stood outside of a funeral of a young man who was a soldier and died in service of this country. Though according to this group they thank God for dead soldiers. They picket funerals in order to spread the message of American immorality.
Tomorrow, their latest attack of so disgustingly misrepresenting Christianity is going to be at Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral and they have released a press statement that they are going to have signs saying, “God Hates Elizabeth Edwards.”
I have never, ever read a bad thing about Elizabeth Edwards. I do know that she was a faithful wife who talked about how she had forgiven her estranged husband, John, for his affair and for having a child with his mistress. That takes courage, bravery, grace and a kinder heart than I could have. She fought cancer with true valor. She had a beautiful family who loved her and it makes my heart break into a thousand pieces that her children (two of which are very young) are going to walk out of their mother’s funeral to a picket line that reads God hates her. How do young children process the grief of a parent, nonetheless process such hatred at such a terrible time in their lives?
I wrote on my personal facebook page yesterday when I read this article on that it always confuses me when people think that they can read God’s mind. I do not claim to know who goes to heaven and who does not. I do not claim to know what God is thinking or what He is not thinking. These people seem to have forgotten that they know as much as I do about who goes to heaven and who doesn’t. I also seem to remember being taught that God loves unconditionally.
And if you happen to not be Christian, please, I’m begging you, do NOT judge those of us based on these idiots. This is not the message of Jesus, not one bit. Whenever people ask me, “How can you be Christian with all the terrible things people have done in the name of Christianity?” My response to them has always been “Do not judge God by his morons.”
My thoughts and prayers are with the Edwards family today as they struggle not only with the death of their loved one, but also as they deal with this hatred being cast upon their family.
If you want to read the article, here is the link: Controversial Church to picket Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral.
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I did not know they where planning on picketing Elizabeth Edwards funeral. That makes me angry and sad at the same time. I can't agree with you more Kate. These people are sick!
Oh yes they are the dumb idiots! It just makes me so angry and it makes me hurt all over!
That angers me beyond words! It gives real Christians such a bad name. What happened to Love like Christ… do you think He picketed the prostitute at the Well…. They need to read the Bible and get a serious revelation on God's Love.
I didn't know this either. They did threaten to protest a production of The Laramie Project at a local high school, but there was an anti-protest protest organized by students and the "church" never showed. Their hateful rhetoric is a far cry from the words of Jesus: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" John 13:35
I had two people on my personal facebook page tell me that they had this church show up at different locations to protest things. One of them was the soldier's funeral.
Thank you for the Bible Verse!
That's very sad to hear 🙁
I'm a Christian as well, and I always hear non-Christians complain about how Christians are so judgemental.
The truth is that the judgemental "Christians" are the ones who make headlines, unfortunately.
Jesus taught acceptance throughout his life. He led by example, and befriended prostitutes and tax collectors without a single judgemental word.
Christianity isn't a judgemental religion… but some people think they know better.
Thanks for this post, and I'm loving your Christmas theme!