And I don’t mean me….not today at least!!!
Laura @ Melodramommy! She writes letters to Mr. Poopie–this one almost made me pee my pants when I read it (Hubs thought I was insane because I was having hysteric fits at my computer.) She warns us all about Mommy Casualties. What Laura does best is capture the humor in motherhood & makes you proud to be a mama. So please give a round of applause to her & welcome her to Mommy Monologues!
First I want to say I am honored to be guest posting today for Kate, who is a very special mommy blogging friend of mine. Kate is just one of those sincere, kind, people you can instantly connect with and relate to; not to mention that she has quite a talent for telling a good story about her mommy adventures all while lifting your spirit, making you laugh, cry, and know you’re not alone!
Well, after reading Kate’s post on her sleep challenges with Wolverine, I began realizing our cute little babies have been conspiring against us! I know, I know, how could that buttery-soft-melt-in-your-arms, little person who whispers that sweet little coo-coo-ka-choo in your ears possibly be involved in a conspiracy? The answer is simple, Mommy friends! Babies have some sleep fantasies of their own, and it’s time to expose them!
This epiphany actually struck me while I was on vacation at the beach, where I was forced to have baby sleep in my own bed. In my complete naiveté I actually thought this would be a sweet and snuggly experience. Big mistake!
All through a darkened night I dodged kicks from a 1YO who apparently was dreaming he was an acrobat and Mommy the trapeze. When he wasn’t swirling around the covers and flipping from head to toe, he was hacking a cough straight into my face. In my complete deliriousness, I thought it was delightful! That’s because I was simultaneously dreaming I was in the ocean being rocked by waves and tasting the salty ocean spray. You can imagine my horrified eyes when, after a jab in my ribs, I opened them to discover the droplets on my lips were NOT a welcomed kiss of ocean dew!
So what are our not-so-innocent babies dreaming about that keep us up all night long?
Posted by Laura
Thank you Laura! Go check her out @ Melodramommy! And I apologize for the annoying white higlighted area on her text! I accidentally did it & now it won’t go away! GRRRR!!!
Thanks Laura!!!
That is a really cute post 🙂 I makes me smile! Happy Wednesday! Saying hello from SITS!
Thank you kate! BTW I told hubby about the issues your facing with Wolverine wanting to fall asleep nursing. His advice is to let Wolverine latch on to daddy instead! He thinks the experience will change his mind that nipples are NOT necessary or an enjoyable sleep prop. Where was this advice when I was nursing!
Laura, that is HILARIOUS!! I can not even talk about sleep right now since my little one decided after 5.5 months of great sleeping, that sleep is overrated and unnecessary!! She went from 9-11 hours at night to waking every 1-2 and I do not think she is teething… Great post and can not wait to look through your site Kate (BTW-that is my daughter middle name)!!
Thanks Cindy for stopping by! And thanks for following! Bailey is beautiful! Your blog is so much fun! I can't wait to keep reading–and Kate is a great name! lol But be warned (if you didn't know already), we Kates are strong, independent women! My mom always says she picked Kate because she wanted a strong daughter, she just didn't know I'd be this hard-headed! lol
This post is awesome! I'm so glad I have you in my google reader.
Happy Wednesday!
There's an award waiting for you on my blog. 🙂
You also have to remember that babies talk to each other and discuss the best ways to torture and torment us.
Thanks Lois! Glad you stopped by!
Alexia: I'm heading over there to check it out! Thank you so much!
Emma: hahaha They prolly all have their own little blogs where they gather to write "Top Ways to Keep Mommy & Daddy up at Night"–I guarantee you Baby is a top contributor! lol
This is tooooo funny!!! Great post!
ROFL what a brilliant and great post am so lovin' it! 😀
love this post! nice job! 🙂
Thanks all for commenting and thank you Kate again for the opportunity to share and your friendship! I can't wait to read your guest post for me this friday! And, wanted to say that I voted for you in the top mommy blogs! Woohoo!
I'm glad y'all enjoyed the Melodrama Mama! She's pretty hilarious! Thanks for stopping by!
Oh my gosh. Too funny. Thanks for the giggle this morning. Stopping by from SITS.