Candace Creations is having a McLinky Party about “Mommy Moments.” I read her post last night & started thinking, hmmm, what Mommy Moments have I had?! And I really couldn’t think of any that were noteworthy, oh I’ve had some major doozies, don’t get me wrong! Basically what I’m saying is, I always have Mommy Brain that I don’t really ever get a chance to resurface & review my silly/stupid/frightening Mommy Moments. (I did write a post last week about an overwhelming Mommy Day–I made it-barely!— this was a day full of Mommy Moments.)
Here’s a compilation of all the things that I consider to be my mommy moments:
1. I have left my cell phone/diaper bag/sippy cup on top of my car who knows how many times only to see it go flying past my windshield!
2. The first few months weeks Wolverine was born I gurantee you I let my checking account go in the negative a million a couple of times. Who had time to keep up with a check book register after 43 1/2 hours of labor (with no epidural I might add–this was not my choice though, the anesthiologist never showed up!) or all night feedings or [fill in blank here] that comes with parenthood?!!!
3. I have turned my back for seconds, no miliseconds, & by the time I’ve turned back around there’s a SQUEAL of delight & he has gotten his hands on my computer (he froze it for like three days-no clue what button he hit) or is chewing on my camera lense or has destroyed something very expensive.
But at least I have my little guy, I wouldn’t trade him in order to not have Mommy Moments…so I say bring ’em on!
Side post: Remember this post? Well, I was thinking about Giorgio being the usurped baby while I was giving him a bath this morning. I gurantee you this morning he was thinking to himself: “If this is the only time I’m going to get attention, then I’d rather go without it!”
What a great idea for a pendant!! Thanks for entering and good luck!! Leslie and Laurel
Thanks for the visual on the diaper bag flying! That is ONE thing I havent done!
Oh, and my kids can tear apart stuff in NO TIME!
Thanks for joining the party! I enjoyed reading your posts! I know it IS hard to come up with something because it can be such a constant state of living! You reminded me…I've left things on top of the car as well…I've lost a couple of coffee tumblers this way. Sad…because I really needed that coffee too! lol!
Also…I would do something horrible to that anesthesiologist!!! YOU POOR GIRL!
I'm now following you too!
Oh trust me I wanted to! It's not like I mentally prepared myself to do a natural childbirth, that was the hardest part (oh besides the excruciating pain!) I was not a happy camper! lol but it was all worth it in the end!…i had a lot of fun with the mommy moment mclinky! and i'm anxious to keep reading & meet your new little one! thanks for stopping by!