So…yesterday I woke up with a crick in my neck. I didn’t think it would be all that bad, I could manage. It hurt like H-E double hockey stick, but I made it through the day. It was the kind of crick in your neck where you look like an idiot while driving because you can hardly turn your head back & forth to change lanes. But I figured it would be all good by today.
HA! Apparently, picking up a 25 pound 1 year old, wrestling a 25 pound 1 year old, chasing a 25 pound 1 year old, etc etc only compounds the pain!
This morning, I woke up at 4:30 am & literally could not get off my bed. I was trying to swing my legs to the right or to the left so that I could roll myself into the floor. Once I managed that nearly impossible task there I sat until SIX AM because I COULD NOT MOVE! So I sat there pleading with God that Todd would hear the baby wake up because there was nothing I could do to get him.
Todd asked me what I did to my neck for it to be in this much pain (I think a slight part of him thinks I’m overdramatizing this.) He asked if I’d been flying trapezes or swan diving onto the bed (where those accusations came from I’ll never know)–I swear I only slept on it funny two nights in a row!
Don’t get me started on trying to go to the bathroom (it’s the one time I would welcome a catheter) or getting dressed–drinking water even hurts!….. My neck has completely debilitated me for the day! Too bad motherhood doesn’t come with a PTO (paid time off.)
ICY HOT here I come!
Under Construction!!! Don’t judge the mess!
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OUCH!!!! Dang, girl! I think you need a massage therapist at your house stat! Haha 🙂 Hope you feel better. I know that's no fun.
And I am working on something for you!
You sound like me trying to get out of bed every morning (im 36 weeks now!).. i swing my legs over and kind of roll or slide off the bed. sometimes if keifer is up i'll make him grab my hands and pull, lol. it's pretty sad and i know now how obese people feel.
yiiikes! hope you feel better! i will pray for you today!
I hope you get better soon! Go to the doc if it doesn't clear up soon.
Oh yes you need a major massage!!!!!! Make the hubby give you one pronto 🙂
I hope you feel better VERY soon!
Something similar happened to me during Thanksgiving week last year. My neck started hurting while I was tutoring one evening, and the next morning I woke up crying because I was in so much pain. It was as bad as labor and almost as bad as the post c-section pain.
I was 6 months pregnant and couldn't take most meds. I tried the chiropractor which did NOT go well. TENS (little electrodes on the neck) helped a little. Finally, my doc prescribed Flexeril (a muscle relaxer) and it did the trick. It made me very tired though which would probably not help in your situation.
I had a pain in my neck that ended up being a bulging/ruptured disc. I had to have C5-C6 vertebrae fused with a metal plate. That was three years ago. I only waited a couple of months before seeing a doctor, and I lost permanent feeling in my left thumb. If it continues you should see a doctor. The only way I got my GP to recommend me to a specialist was to STOP taking the pain killers and go to his office bawling my eyes out in pain.
Ouchy! Hope you'll feel better soon, Kate. Indonesian and their old wives tales will tell you to hit that neck with a pillow if the pain or twist is from 'wrong-way-of-sleeping' I never personally try that but maybe you could try it? 😀
Oh no! I have such a visual of you stuck on the side of your bed for an hour and a half. That seems like something that would happen to me. I'm so sorry, your in so much pain. My friend just had the same issue. She went to the doc, they gave her valium and she was good the next day. Head to the doctor tomorrow if you are still in pain!
Thanks everyone!!!
I'm waaay better today-not 100% yet, but I can actually move!
Professional massage from soonmee what they do (ie, physical therapist or a registered massage therapist) knows. Also, neck stretching exercises. And slowly, tilt your head to the right, hold stretch for 30 seconds, then turn left, hold for 30 seconds before making diagonal, so that your posture is correct. Slouching will make it worse. Cut the time you spend on the computer, getting up every hour and stretching and practicing muscle relaxation techniques. I have one of these electric heating pad at low prices to $ 14 from the pharmacy that I sometimes used to relax the muscles.