I’m loud. I have been told my whole life that I’m as loud as my grandfather. If I’m as loud as he was, then dangit I’m LOUD. This man was the most outgoing person I’ve ever met. He loved bright colors, he loved the best of everything, he played & worked hard. He and I were two peas in a pod. I think about him often. When someone tells me that I’m being too loud, I just smile and think about my “Memar” as I called him. I am proud to be loud!
I’m an extrovert. I’m extremely outgoing. I could have a conversation with a wall. I love to meet new people and to be around people. When I was little, my parents knew how to torture me when I got in trouble: They sent me to my room, ALONE! They would shut away their extreme extrovert and not let her be with the fam. It was awful! My little sister says that I never meet a stranger (I’ve been known to sing to cashiers while checking out–got that from my mom!) I am proud to be obnoxiously extroverted!
I’m stubborn. Some people view this as a negative trait but, I find our worst qualities are sometimes our best qualities. I never wavered in my beliefs because I am stubborn. Nor did I waver in holding out for everything I ever wanted, even if in that holding out process I ended up being a whole lot of lonely. I did not accept mediocrity because I was stubborn and it paid off with a beautiful life: a great husband, an awesome kid, and a great lifestyle! I am proud to be stubborn!
I’m passionate. I am such an all or nothing person (again best & worst quality) that I go for things in my life 100%. I never slow down! I am passionate about being a good mother, wife, daughter, sister, & friend. I am compelled to go for great things in this life and not refuse any different! The definition of passionate is “compelled by or ruled by intense emotion or strong feelings.” This is me verbatim. I am proud to be passionate!
I’m devoted. I’m devoted to my faith, my family, and myself. I will always be Todd’s wife, because I am devoted to working through marriage on all the days that it is easy to say YES and most importantly, on all the days that it sucks to say YES. I won’t give up. This same concept applies to my faith and to motherhood. I’m devoted to being the best person I can be, knowing that I will make small and huge mistakes along the way. I am proud to be devoted!
P.S. This prompt called for a poem–ha-ha…Never gonna happen. I can’t do poetry beyond
There ya go, there’s my poem. 🙂

The Prompts:
1.) A Christmas gift that was not well received.
2.) Describe yourself in five words. Choose one, and write a poem.
3.) It happened at daycare.
4.) Let’s rewind to Summer and warm up! Share some favorite photos from a vacation you took.
5.) A fist fight.
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