1. My pillow. We bought two matching pillows with wedding money. They are divine. And um…Todd may or may not get to sleep with his anymore. He may or may not have had it taken away from him so that his diva wife can sleep with both of them.
*shameless grin here*
2. Reading at night before I go to bed. Right now, I’m reading the Life of Christ by Fulton J. Sheen. This is one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read. I’ve felt like since motherhood my faith life has been put on the back burner. This year I’ve been sort of on a rebirth, developing my faith within motherhood, making it the focus of my life instead of simply letting it be one small facet. Motherhood caught me off guard in a way & I’m working daily on making sure that I incorporate God back into my second by second life, not just into my life with a small prayer before meals & church on Sundays. If you’re interested here is a link to it on Amazon. It’s worth every penny: Life of Christ.
3. Seeing Todd when he comes home from work. It doesn’t seem fair that the one person that I chose to spend my whole life with is the one person that I don’t see for 50+ hours a week. When he comes home it makes my day.
4. My kids when they wake up in the morning & see each other for the first time. Both of the kids totally flip out over each other every.single.morning. They get so excited, it lights up my day. I hope they always love each other this much. Last week, Lboy came into the room, crawled up into our bed & when Baby O woke up he told me he didn’t want to see her. I literally touched his forehead to see if he was sick, because that is such an unusual response from him in regards to her. Turns out, he was running a 103.3 fever that morning! I knew something was wrong!
5. Milky Way Bars. King size. I’m going through a phase. I’m obsessed with them for the time being. It’s the simple things in life. 😉
3.) List 5 things that bring you comfort.
Such a sweet list! I love that those babies take such joy in each other…and isn’t it funny who quickly we can pick up on the fact that something’s not right when they say or do something so unlike themselves? I’m always proud of myself when I’m right. Even though it’s kind of a sad thing to be right about. Great list. 🙂
It definitely wasn’t a fun thing to be right about, but I’m definitely always proud of myself when I’m right! lol
I can’t stop thinking about Zombie Babies & wondering what the babies look like on the buggies at our grocery store!
That is a really sweet list of things. I really appreciated your number 2. I too have been struggling with my spiritual self, for quite some time. Kids sorta suck the life out of you, as in they need you always. So, thank you for that thought. I am trying to improve my relationship with God and make my spirituality a more constant thing as well. It can only help our children in their lives too. Aren’t baby girls fun? I’m so loving my sweet baby, though she’s growing so fast it’s unbelievable! Thanks for sharing your list.
Hi Allyson!!! Long time no talk!
Yes, that’s how I’ve been feeling, I had an a-ha moment when I realized that I was just going through the motions. And I started tracing back when I felt like that started & it was when I became a mother. I was so overwhelmed with all the change.
I’m getting back on track though!
Baby girls are soooo much fun! The clothes are insane! And the bows! And the tutus! lol
#4- The sweetest! #5-second sweetest 🙂 Yum!
tori Most Recent Post…The Plus Side To Plus Size
Yes, yes, I love when they wake up & find each other…only I wish that they would do that more at 9 am than at 6 am. But hey, you win some you lose some right?! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
You make such a great point about how we choose this special person to be in our lifes…but really they live somewhere else (WORK)…sigh!!! I don’t like it either. Have a great week.
It’s really not fair is it?!!!! But, at least I have him the rest of time! 🙂
Hope you have a great week too!
Amen to reading at night. And to your rekindled faith. Don’t you love how having children will bring out the best in you like that?
Sue Most Recent Post…The Case of the Missing Innards
Yes I do. If I’m supposed to be their teacher in faith, then how can I if I’m not working at mine?
Reading at night pita me to sleep better than anything else!
Good list. I knew when I saw the milky way in the linky pic it was a comfort list! LOL
madamdreamweaver Most Recent Post…Mama Kat Prompt Thursday: 5 Comforting Things
You gotta love chocolate!!! In fact, I might go to the store & buy one now…
Ooh, I LOVE Milky Ways!! And this is such a sweet list. I love that you get excited when your husband comes home from work, and the love that your kids share for each other. Hope your little guy is feeling better 🙂
Runnermom-jen Most Recent Post…Comfort…
He is feeling better, but it took a few days of some very high temps. That 103 totally flipped me out, he’s never run a fever that high.
Yup, I love the hubs, he’s awesome. Don’t know how I got so lucky sometimes. And he works way too much!
Enjoying the little things, like seeing your little ones in the morning, makes having a traveling husband a little easier. It is really hard to have the person you’ve decided to spend your life with not around to share in that life. After years of having a hubby on the road (thus my name, Weekday Solo Mommy), I’ve learned to embrace and enjoy that time alone- especially the candy/ice cream for dinner nights. Although, truth be told, I do appreciate when he comes home.
I’m going to check out that book next. Motherhood has shown me how important my faith is, and how easy it is to let is move down the list of priorities.
Karen W Most Recent Post…ThanksBlogging Facebook Link-Up
Pillows are very important to me, as well. And I must read SOMETHING every night before bed.
I’m making faith the focus of my life, too. I have heard of Fulton J. Sheen but have not read any of his books.
jerralea Most Recent Post…Just Stay
I loved this post. My husband coming home and then Big Brother coming home 20 minutes later are the highlight of my day. Love having my family home with me.
Nolie Most Recent Post…‘Tis The Season – Holiday Gift Guide 2012
I love it when my whole fam is home too!