Two giveaways are worth two posts on Tuesday! Two for Tuesday it is!!!
April Showers is dedicating the entire month of April to giveaways! And she makes awesome designs! You must, must, must check it out. Or you could not check it out & give me more of a chance to win! But if you do check it out, you can get automatic bids into her giveaways by writing a post with a link back to her site. It’s easy (but do this one particular entry before March 31 at 11:59 MT.)

Glitter & Bliss is giving away a pendant like the one I showed in this post. All you have to do is comment on their site about what you would want the necklace to say (I want my to say, “Love of my life”–it’s what I call Logan & Todd.) It’s a beautiful necklace! This is another item I will be buying with or without winning.

So far these are the only two giveaways that are currently still taking entries right now! Hope you enjoy!
Great links, thanks! I'm stopping by from TMC, I will definitely come back for another visit soon!
Thank you & thank you for stopping by! I'm going to check your site out now!
hi..just popped over from sits and signed on to follow! happy anniversary to your parents. stop by my blog and enter my giveaway when you have time. i post a new one each week and most often they are for vintage glass pieces! just click on the teddy's treats giveaway on my sidebar.
Thanks! I'll head over there now! I love finding new people!
Happy Friday morning to you! I linekd up:YUMMY Bread Pudding with Butterscotch Sauce and a Free Bachelor Bingo game that makes watching a silly reality show much more fun! Thanks for hosting the party once again. Have a great week!
hi KATE! what's your email? I love the blog and it so impressive how much you have done in such a short time!!!!!! I also love your description. Thanks so much for your kind comments on my page!
Let's chat over email soon.
Thanks for sharing these!!
Also, I'm wondering if you would be interested in participating in my Mom Blogger Contest for $100 Cash prize during the month of April?
The details are here
Thanks for considering! I think your readers will really enjoy this contest too!