I had a fantabulous weekend!
Saturday, the MM family was up bright & early due to sleep training Lboy! He has been a champ throughout the last 5 days; he is now falling asleep in 5 minutes (I’m so proud of him) and then I actually have an evening to do whatever I want. Which is something I haven’t had for the last year (until a week ago he would only sleep while being held.) I have been spending my time blogging, soaking in the jetted tub, reading, blog hopping catching up on housework.
Anyways…Saturday we woke up super early & entertained the baby. Super MIL came over around 11:30 and she watched Lboy while Todd & I went to the movies. We saw Robin Hood, it was awesome. We came home & promptly started sleep training. 🙁 I was sad because I missed a whole day hanging out with my lil dude, but I didn’t want to get off schedule. I’m glad I didn’t because he was asleep before I even closed the door.
Once he was asleep & my nerves had calmed down from the crying, I started getting ready for my friend’s bachelorette party.
These are the things I learned about myself while out with these awesome ladies (Hi Awesome Ladies!):
1. I am old.
2. I am old because:
a. An 8 pm dinner was waaay past my bedtime.
b. I ordered water b/c I knew I was going to have to be up at 6:30 the next morning & a sip of alcohol would knock me on my rear (unlike the old days.)
c. I still woke up this morning feeling like I was hungover just because I was up until 12:30 am. Seriously, I woke up feeling like I might as well have been doing upside down keg stands or tons & tons of jello shots.
d. Someone asked me if I had just come from church because of my attire. Snap! Epic Fail on the outfit! 🙂
3. I miss hanging out with people my age & being able to have conversations that do not consist of the bodily functions of a tiny person.
This morning, I woke up, feeling as though I had been run over by a truck (please reference #2 letter C.) It was pretty unbelievable–Praise the Good Lord Himself that I didn’t drink! I can’t imagine feeling any worse than I did.
Even though I was dead on my feet, I went to another friend’s baby shower–where again I met up with old friends. Some of these girls I hadn’t seen in 3 or 4 years! It’s nice to be able to pick back up where you left off–Shout out to Barbie (yes, I call her this.) So glad I saw you!
*Focus on spending time developing relationships; be it with your husband/spouse, your girlfriends, your children, parents, etc.
*Don’t lose yourself in motherhood, there is still a YOU in there somewhere, even though she doesn’t always get to go out & play.
*And I need to spend more time focusing on the things & people I have in my life rather than focusing on the things & people I don’t. I’m glad to have been reminded of this from the Big Man Upstairs!
And thank you for putting up with my neurotic lists…again…
You looked awesome last night! I'm glad you came out! I was also fading fast and struggled to make it past midnight!!
Good point about not loosing yourself in mommyhood, it's so easy to do. I felt terrible when I got home and mags woke up just enough to realize I wad home and then wanted nothing to do with sleep! I felt bad missing that night with her but that was also the first night out by myself I've had! So let's do it again.. Except at like five and home much earlier… We can have fun at a more reasonable (aka mommy friendly) hour.
Thanks! And I'm there! I'm glad you had fun! If I could go out & not have baby duty the next morning then I'm down with that too!
Isn't it amazing how late midnight seems?? And totally with you on the hungover just from staying up too late…what has happened to us?!
I know right?! It's unbelievable! And it's 9:45 where I am, 9:45 & I feel like it's 2 in the morning–I'm with you, I keep asking, What has happened to me? And, "Where did the time go? I can't believe I'm already at this stage in my life!"
No one looks pretty at midnight after kids and if they do well they can just be quiet and let me pretend no one does.
All my friends here in Cancun party until 5 or 6 am… I'm usually asleep on someone's couch / blinking sleep out of my eyes at a nightclub by 1 am. Lame.
Oh to be back in the States, where people party at normal hours.
You look pretty good in that picture 🙂 love those dimples
Thanks Nolie!
GC: I remember when I was in Spain we would stay out until the bars closed at 4 & then we would head over to the nightclubs on the beach that closed at 8 am! We would watch the sun come up while dancing-but that was 6 years ago!!! Mexico was the same way, only I didn't have a beach! Oh my gosh! How time flies & things change!