I need to be your best friend.
I know, I don’t even have half of a quarter of your $80 million net wealth and our friendship would mostly rely on your either A) Sitting at my house that is probably the size of a small bathroom at your California mansion or B) Me freeloading off you for fun lunches, dinners, nights out, & fun family vacays.
But I swear I have a lot to offer! I can recite to you every.single.line you ever said in all 10 seasons of Friends. I could most definitely kick your little booty at the Friends trivia game (no one has beat me yet!) I can tell you fun little facts that you don’t even remember about Rachel, like she wore Chanel 5, her middle name is Karen, & she has 2 sisters, her dad is a doctor, & rumor has it that she has a teeny weeny.
I can even forgive the fact that you smoke. I would still be your friend & I pretty much refuse to even shake hands with people who are smokers for fear that by merely touching them I will contract cancer cells that will fly straight to my lungs & kill me dead.on.the.spot.
Go ahead and invite Courtney over too! But I will warn you whatever friendship you have with her will be long gone once you realize just how wonderful I am! We are destined to be friends, it’s true, the voices in my head told me so.
Oh please Jennifer Aniston, pleeeaaase Jennifer Anniston. I swear if we are best friends I will not call you by your first and last name as so many psychotic fantabulous fans do. I will act completely normal, I PROMISE!
Just think about it!
Your crazy, insane, should be institutionalized BFF,
And no, I don’t have this picture framed, on my bedside table.

I love this! My husband and I watch Friends all the time. We have all the seasons and the trivia game.
Oh, go on, admit that you have that very picture framed on your bedside table. Admit it!! x
Yeah you totally have that picture by your bed! 🙂
Kate…I think I might be able to beat you at Friends trivia! We should have a tournament sometime!
P.S. I love your blog! It's so fun!
Oh my gosh she is soooo my BFF in my head! Love her! The 4 of us should totally hang out.. you, me, Jenn and Courtney!
(btw, I love Courtney even more since Cougartown. HILARIOUS.)
I love her too and LOVE Friends…absolutely my all-time favorite show. Loved this post.
When did you meet Jennifer Aniston? Wait a minute… did you use photoshop to make that?
haha…that is soooo something i would say too about ______whoever my flavor of the month celeb chick is.
i esp liked the…'when i'm freeloading lunches' i mean hellooooo they are the richer of the 2 of us! haha
alright, so the letter to her was awesome enough, but then I get to the photo!!! you're hysterical, kate!!
You should TOTALLY have that photo framed…I mean, if you really don't already.
You probably could beat her at the trivia game!
I love Friends! Though I probably would not be able to beat you at the Trivia game either.. haha. And Jennifer Aniston is my favorite character too.. well her and Chandler. I have a soft-spot for nerdy boys! lol.
Love your letter, stopped by from Mama Kat's.
Awesome letter!
Thanks for sharing!
I don't know if i could get past the smoking. That, and she's way too fit. I would be forced to go on the Zone diet or whatever it is she does (besides smoking) to stay skinny. And I like food way too much!
Just stopping by from Mamakat's. I have to admit I never watched Friends (gasp…I know), but I love Jennifer Aniston in all of her movies. The Breakup has to be one of my all time favorites…
Stopping by from Mama Kat's…
Such a great letter! My post is about trying to get the Duggars to give her one of their J-named babies; I'm certain that you could be instrumental in that as her new BFF and all 🙂
I LOVE friends! And if you promise to be normal like Rachel promised Joey she would be normal around his Days friends, then I think you are good! LOL
I quoted Friends in my Writers Workshop post today! Haha!! I have all 10 seasons on DVD so I thoroughly enjoyed your post!! 🙂
Your post is hilarious! I'm sure Jenn thinks so too in a nervous-stalkerish way…
What a great letter!! LOL!
I think she should be your friend and take you on great vacations!!
Stopping by from Mama Kat's!
Thanks for making me smile today. It was funny. BTW, you need to work on the spelling of her last name if you are going to be her BFF. The title and the post have 2 different spellings. That could possibly ruin your chances with her.
Hi Kate,
Found your blog through mama kat's. It's fabulous! Hillarious letter. 🙂
Boy, you do know a lot about Friends. I have the boxed set and I didn't know all that stuff! LOL
Stopping by from Mama Kat's
Great letter!! Friends is by far my most favorite show. We have all 10 seasons and DVR every episode on tv. I watch at least 3 episodes a day…we always have it on in the background. My almost one year old loves the theme song and whenever it comes on she is completely mesmerized by the tv!!
I do need to get the trivia game though!!!
ahhhh, photo cropping at its finest. faboosh.
Rachel's middle name was Karen? I'm impressed that you know that. You totally deserve to be best friends with Jen.
I still think Friends is one of the best ever. I've watched the 10 seasons over and over lol. Oh, and we also have that DVD game.
Your article was exneclelt and erudite.
Jennifer Anniston is my most favorite person EVER! I love playing the trivia game while watching the episodes! My cousin beats us all the time because my memory is that of nemo (from finding nemo that is haha). She is AHMAZING!
Nice post. It's so CUTE how so many girls can relate to Friends! I think it's a girl thing and I respect that:)
I love it! Jennifer is one of my faves too, I love that we are the same age. I love the way she looks too, not exactly beautiful like Angelina Jolie, but she has a certain kind of beauty. I'm sorry, was that a bad comparison?
Haha! Loved the picture! And yes, that's completely normal.