This is the fourth of five posts over the next ten days as part of Momalom’s Five for Ten. Each participant writes about the same topic everyday–today’s topic is Lust! I thought that this would be a fun exercise to get to know other bloggers! If you want, you can go visit all the other participants. I hope you enjoy! I look forward to stopping by each of your blogs & getting to know you as well over the next few days!
Lust: An overwhelming desire or craving. Intense eagerness or enthusiasm.
(I won’t tell you what Todd told me to say, I’m keeping it G-rated over here folks–but these are the things I’m all hot & bothered for… 🙂
Corinne says
Those bags are calling my name…
Kim says
lol, the guys always go for themselves, don't they? I, too, am in lust over those bags and accessories!! Good taste!!
Hello! I'm Kate. says
Oh me too Corinne, me too!
Kim: they do don't they?! I'm glad you like the stuff, I think the bags were only a couple grand a piece–no biggy, write 'em a check. ha!
Maureen says
Ooooh the first bag is soooo pretty! Love it!
Bossy Betty says
I notice the man comes after all the other goodies….
C (Kid Things) says
I'm really not much of a shopper (horrible, I know) but that blue Michael Kors bag and those black Dior shoes… Yum.
Natalie says
Now that is my kind of lust!!
I loved the "bow chicka wow wow"! I recently used it in one of my posts and think it's hilarious – glad to see it here because it makes me laugh everytime I see it 🙂
Hello! I'm Kate. says
Maureen: I actually found the first bag at tj max! It was still $250 at 50% off and I still couldn't afford it but I thought about making a run for it! lol
Betty: haha! True! (He doesn't come second in real life though)
C: My little sister hates to shop, she says she doesn't know how we're best friends & so different! Shopping is for some people & not others–but you have great (expensive) taste for someone who doesn't like to shop! lol
Natalie: It cracks me up too!
Mommy's Sippy Cup says
I seriously want all of that!! Oh…I didn't mean your husband. Haha. That picture made me laugh. That is too funny!! 🙂
S Farrell says
Hi Kate! Glad you found me so I could find you 🙂 Great Blog!
Hello! I'm Kate. says
haha Jessica, sometimes I feel the same way! lol jk
Thanks SFarrell! And thanks for coming by!
Gina says
LOVE that necklace!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower!
The Ish Blog
Jen says
Put it all together and what do you get? One lusty night!
alabaster cow says
i'll let you keep your hubby as long as you let me keep the michael kors. 🙂
Hello! I'm Kate. says
Thanks for stopping by & for following Gina! Glad you like it enough over here to be bribed into sticking around!
Jen: hahaha! So True!
Ericka: Deal!…but I might send the Hubby's xobx in the Michael Kors! haha
Krajcimama says
I am going to have to check out Momalom – you are the second D-lister that I've visited with a 5 for 10 post and I'm so intrigued. . . maybe it's because the topic is lust, but more than likely because you actually have a topic rather than random ramblings – which is what it's usually like over at my place! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by from the blog party!
I look forward to reading more of your posts. I'd love to read you 100 things that make you happy list! I think you can really learn a lot about someone by reading what they like – plus, it was a tiny bit easier to write than 100 things about me.
Melodramommy says
Hey Kate. Love your taste! We were meant to be friends : ) Also, cute pict of you and the hubs.
Rudri says
I love the pendant/necklace that says Mom. So pretty. And I love this post. Nicely done.
Tracy says
Coming here from SITS – LOVE your choices. I think I like you, a lot. I have some of the S&D pieces..and am lusting after a Chanel bag right now. So fun to find you.
Warmly, Tracy
Adriana says
im stopping by from those rings. ive never been a ring girl but man those are yummy.
Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life says
I love that ring, beautiful!!!
Maureen says
Oooh how I miss TJ Max *cries & weeps*