It’s time for another round of Mom Shaming…basically I’m sharing with you some of the truths of my day as a mom of 2. I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I wore my shirt inside out all day & didn’t even know it…
When Todd went back into the restaurant to ask to see their lost & found, the worker there told him that the car seat was the strangest item they had ever had left behind…and Lboy informed us it was an Epic Fail. Seriously, that’s exactly what he said.
We had a playgroup at our church Tuesday morning. It started at 9:30. I don’t know how other moms can make it somewhere by 9:30, but I certainly can’t, we made it at 10:10. I’m glad we made it, even if we were almost an hour late.
Totally worth it.
Share your mom shame moments!
Lovely waiter that said that was the strangest item he’d seen left behind…he was just being sassy since he’d already gotten his tip. 😉 I’m quite sure there are many stranger things that have been left!
And at least that’s one of those things that you could only get so far without…like keys, or shoes. 😉
I love this post! There are plenty of “Mom Shaming” moments we all have every day, I know!
MandyE Most Recent Post…Easy-Peasy Christmas Ornament
LOL! You crack me up! I have a Moms group that “starts at 9:30” but almost no one shows up until 10:00. It is like an unspoken accepted thing. I have never left a car seat behind before but I have left just about everything except a child in random places. Thank goodness for kind honest people who track me down and return my items to me!
Hannah Most Recent Post…Gluten Free Chicken Fried Steak
Once I left my stroller in the parking lot of WalMart—my $700-had-to-have-it-my-husband-is-going-to-kill-me-if-I-lose-this stroller. Another time I left the diaper bag at the park.
Thankfully, both items were returned. It totally happens. 🙂
Julia Most Recent Post…Now throw your hands in the air and wave em like you just don’t care
The only place I plan to be before 10:00 is on my older daughter’s school days. School starts at 9. Sometimes the baby and I are still in pajamas, but she gets there!
Erin Most Recent Post…PacSafe MetroSafe 200 Anti Theft Shoulder Bag
A playdate at 9:30?!? Noooooo….I would have been late too!
Britton Most Recent Post…Kid Friendly New Years Eve Ideas!
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on diypals!