This is my grandfather on November 24, 1945 after 2 years, 6 months & 4 days of service in World War II. He served on the USS Harold C. Thomas in the South Pacific (pictured below.) He was 20 years old. Can you imagine being 18 & risking your life for your country? WOW! We were all just babies at that age!
This past year, Todd & I were with him on November 24. He told me that it was a big day for him because it was his 67th anniversary of his Honorable Discharge from the military. I was happy to be with him that day.
As we all know, the GI Bill was offered to all World War II vets. His mother had a second grade education & my grandfather was able to change his future by going to college & law school and eventually went on to be an Arkansas State Supreme Court Justice. All because of his service in the war.
He also ran a farm with my grandmother, was married for almost 63 years before my grandmother passed away in August, 4 children, 17 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, & more friends that he claims as family than we could ever count. Quite the legacy.
And the best part?!
He’s 88 years old & the KING of Skype!
God I love him!
The man is one of my heroes, always will be. Lboy told me last week that he misses Grandpa & that he wants to go see him. Needless to say, we are making a trip down there very, very soon.
Writing Prompts:
3.) Share an old picture of a parent or grandparent…who were they back then?
Aw, what an amazing man! I’m sure he is very proud of you, too.
Kimberly Most Recent Post…Daily Buzz
Thank you Kimberly!
He’s pretty awesome-glad I get to claim him as mine!
WOW! I bet he’s super amazing to talk to and listen to all those stories! It is very humbling to realize what men like him did at such a young age. My Grandfather served in WWII as well and was a POW for over a year. Thanks for sharing about your Grandfather.
Paulette Most Recent Post…Where Have I Been?
A POW for a year?!!! WOW!!!! They really are the greatest generation.
My grandfather has always been really quiet about growing up beyond poor in the depression & about fighting in WW2, but he & I have talked about it quite a bit, especially the older he gets. He’s amazing to talk to. I think it’s incredible that his mother had a 2nd grade education & my grandfather was able to make a name for himself as a judge in AR. It’s quite the amazing story!
Thank you for stopping by!
That is an awesome story. I love that he was able to make so much of his life because of his service. My husband is in the Marine Corps and I am so thankful that he can afford school because of it.
Thank you to him & to you for your service, I know that is a huge sacrifice!
It’s amazing what one small decision can do, he could have decided not to go to school. But he did. It changed the lives of generations!
Kate @ Mommy Monologues Most Recent Post…My Grandfather, My Hero
It sounds like he must be fascinating to talk to! I love the picture. My grandfather was in the navy in WWII and I agree, it’s incredible to think about what those young guys went through!
Patricia Most Recent Post…Facing the Fire Baton
I can’t even imagine my son going off to war at 18 years of age! It’s unbelievable!
He is definitely a lot of fun!
Thanks for stopping by!
What a great man! He deserves to be everyone’s hero. I know quite a few 18 year olds, and I don’t think that they can tie their own shoes, let alone fight in a war, so that was pretty awesome how all those young men did what needed to be done.
Tina Most Recent Post…Spring Break is Nigh
Thank you Tina!
Isn’t it amazing how awesome that generation was?! Plus all the current military families we have now, it’s so awesome what they do for us.
Kate Most Recent Post…My Grandfather, My Hero
That is awesome! There are so many times that I wish that I still had my grandparents around.. I miss them dearly.
King of Skype… LOL!
Oh yes, his Skyping skills are notorious!! Haha he even has an iPhone 5 that he uses!
My grandmother passed away in August & it has been so strange not having her around. It’s quite an adjustment. Grandparents really are the best! I totally understand what you mean about wanting them around, they make the world feel like a better place.
Kate Most Recent Post…My Grandfather, My Hero
Wow, Kate…what a blessing he is to you and your family. Also? I’ll be inboxing you on another topic…look for me, mmmkay? 🙂
Thanks Sue!
And now I’m super curious & looking forward to it! I’ll be stalking my email like crazy! 😉
Kate Most Recent Post…My Grandfather, My Hero
Yup, that’ll do it. You have my apocreiatipn.
Your Grandpa is an awesome guy! I would be so proud of him too! I love that on top of everything else, he’s the king of Skype! I never knew either of my grandfathers and have always wished it wasn’t that way. What a blessing for your family!
Adrienne Most Recent Post…Ladybug’s Favorite Things: 6-12 Months
Thank you Adrienne! I love him like crazy!