I can NOT stand when people tail me when I’m driving. It pretty much drives me insane (no pun intended. *ba dum ching*)
I’m the daughter of a personal injury lawyer, so I’ve grown up hearing my ENTIRE life about how cars are not toys, they are means to an end to get a person from one place to another. They can be highly dangerous, but if operated correctly they can be safe.
Well, I’m sorry people. Going 80-90 miles an hour down the friggin’ freeway & riding the bumper of my car is NOT OPERATING SAID VEHICLE CORRECTLY! It is so dangerous! It is putting my life, my son’s life, my husband’s life, & other drivers’ lives at risk…and frankly, it just hacks me off.
Whenever Todd starts riding someone’s back bumper we have a conversation that goes something like this:
Kate: Todd, how much do you love me?
Todd: With all my heart. Why?
Kate: Is my life valuable to you? Is Lboy’s life valuable to you?
Todd: Kate, you know it is. Why are you even asking me these questions?
Kate: Because, when you ride someone’s a*s like that I start to wonder if you even think that my life is valuable at all or that your son’s life is valuable. Because, I start thinking of how you are operating 3200 pounds of steel & we could be crushed in seconds all because you seem to think that tailing a person is going to get us somewhere faster!!!
Yeah, that never bodes well for a happy car ride. But seriously, if I’m riding in the car with someone who is riding another car’s bumper or if I have someone behind me who is tailing me too close I go through the roof.
Like, I’m getting angry just writing about it.

Writing Prompts:
1.) One pet peeve that shouldn’t drive you crazy, but does.
2.) Share 10 “Must Haves†this Spring!
3.) What were you blogging about last year at this time? What has changed?
4.) What inspired you this week?
5.) Perform a random act of service. And then tell us about it.
(prompts inspired by Angie from Seven Clown Circus)
I can't stand tailing either. Especially when my kids are in the car.
Uh oh. I'm sorry if I've done this to you. Actually, I ONLY do this if someone is in the fast lane going under the speed limit. I know it's still dangerous, but one of my pet peeves is when someone drives in the fast lane slowly.
But I promise, I don't tail TOO closely. And I don't drive dangerously over the speed limit. ;o)
I loathe tailgaters! Nowhere is that important unless you are rushing to the aid of an injured child. Ever. Good for you for that witty comeback!
I quit riding with one of my friends because she is a terrible tailgater. I CAN"T STAND IT!! Now if we go anywhere together, I drive!
It makes me angry too! Unfortunately in Cancun all the drivers do it… drives me up a wall! If we're in the city it's no big deal, but on the highway it makes me angry.
When I used to drive in the US, I would put my hazard lights on whenever someone tailed me. They always backed off nicely right away 🙂
I confess I was a terrible tailgater, until I came within inches of death when the car in front of me stopped suddenly!! Very valid peeve!!
Oh I hate the driving in the fast lane slowly! That's driving pet peeve #2! lol I dated someone who would drive 65 in the fast lane. I would ask him why he was in the fast lane if he was going UNDER the speed limit & he would say "Driving in the fast lane makes me feel like I'm going faster." GAH!!!
ahahahahaha!!!! I might start doing that!
My husband does the same thing and although I don't have the background like you do, it's so unsafe. I just try to close my eyes and pray for my life! Over the years he's gotten way better and doesn't tailgate nearly as much!
"Maryann, PAY ATTENTION.. you're not driving a car.. you are operating a 2 ton weapon!" — I remember that lecture.. everytime he rode in the car with me haha I was the worst teenage driver ever…
hahaha oh daddy!
YES! Also, people who don't use turn signals properly, and people who pull out right in front of you and go 15 miles under the speed limit… I could go on.
Oh yeah. This drives me CRAZY. Absolutely nuts. Glad to know I'm not the only one. My road rage tends to go a little nuts when people do this to me. I have to fight the urge to break check them all.
Grrr…I hate that too. Makes me NUTS!
I think this is an excellent way to handle tailing!! Much better than my "Would you PLEASE not tail them?? PLEASE?? Did we not just discuss this? Did we?" method.
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That's a good one..gotta use that on my own husband!!!
"It just hacks me off." You're too cute. You know how I would have written that sentence! 🙂
SOO dangerous!! especially when the tailgater is a semi. I got hit by a semi on the interstate when i was 18. my gigantic ugly olsmobile saved my life.
Yes, Yes, YES! Good one! Another one of my peeves too. Especially since I have an hour drive to work everyday – all on the highway. I slow down on purpose, forcing them to change lanes.
Love your blog. Just dropping by
Anything that puts my kids in danger makes me angry and there are so many more things that I notice now that people do. Like TEXTING & DRIVING! That one is scary!
Ha it's probably a snarky comeback. He never appreciates it! But it's not just him that I give the lecture to, I rant at the other drivers they are just lucky enough to not be in the same car as me! lol
That was always my rule, I wanted to be the driver. And I will admit it 100% that it's a control issue because I HATE being a passenger.
Once our kiddo was born his driving improved amazingly! His driving got so much better!!! Amazing the ways kids change a parent.
I don't like the people who get mad at me when I'm in the fast lane, going 10 miles over the speed limit, & they still don't think it's fast enough. So they flip me the bird & try to run me off the road…yeah I had a guy do that to me a few months ago!
Ah so you're telling me I'm great at guilt trips right?! haha
I have break checked people before & they do back off. But then I started thinking what if they aren't paying attention & then I break check them & then I caused a wreck…so I don't do it anymore. But I do have to watch myself from not giving the bird (I've slipped on this too… :/ Not one of my prouder moments!)
It's annoying isn't it?!
lol I said to some in the comment section that I'm just great at a guilt trip. It's better than nagging! haha
Oh wow. That's really scary Jillian. My dad has spent a lot of time in court suing trucking companies. Truck drivers have no respect for everyone else on the road because we're smaller & they have to meet deadlines so they get careless (at least that's my opinion.) Glad you're okay & that you were driving a tank!
I HATED being a commuter! It was awful! I only had to go 30-40 minutes each way depending on traffic. But it was terrible & it just puts you in a bad mood when the traffic is bad. And it's draining….you are an amazing woman to do it!
Thanks for stopping by & for the wonderful comment! I stopped by your place & followed you!