Obviously, I’ve got a new design!

There are still things being worked on–so in the meantime bear with me!
Hope you like the new look!
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com.
Obviously, I’ve got a new design!
There are still things being worked on–so in the meantime bear with me!
Hope you like the new look!
If you would like to be a Friday Featurette email me at mymommymonologues@gmail.com.
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you like what you see & will subscribe to my blog via Email and/or visit my Facebook page so you can see all the posts! Or look for me on Twitter so we can chat!
Thank you so much for coming back to visit! If you've never left a comment, leave me one! I'd love to chat! Be sure to subscribe to the via Email and check out the Facebook page or find me on Twitter so we can keep chatting!
I'm a Spanish speaking, supper cooking, sporadic house cleaning, sometimes swearing, to do list making, stroller pushing, diaper changing, SAHM & skin care selling, God fearing, church going, independently thinking, family loving, not always perfect, hooked on blogging, husband loving, health food nut & junk food junkie, first & now second time mommy. Welcome to my world.
Hello, I'm Kate, author behind the blog & matriarch of chaos, meal planning, family entertainment, & everything in between in the Mommy Monologues family. I started this blog in March of 2010 as a new mom and was looking for an outlet while trying to figure out motherhood. Blogging was great, exciting, new, wonderful & an awesome … [Continue Reading]
Looks Beautiful!
I love it!!
Not sure what it looked like before but I like it so much now I followed. Shallow of me right? 😉
Found you via SITS
Lookin' good girl!
LOVING it!!!
Is Becca working on it?
Looks great!!! I need to grab the new button now!!!
LOVE your new design!!
I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
I have lots of great giveaways going on.
Thanks 🙂
So far me likey. Can I make a request that you are welcome to ignore? I would love if the columns had a visible separator. Even just like a 1 pixel width line would make me happy. I know your mission is to make me happy, or at least I like to pretend it is lol
i do, i do! It looks so great!
Your site looks GREAT!! Thank you so much for adding my button…Girl, you're awesome!! 😀
Looks great!
Hey I love your blog, I'm so excited you visited mine and became a follower. I'm definitely following you now too. I look forward to getting to know you better via blogging.
Holy cow…you really are changing it all up! Bravo!!! I know you are going to think this is funny but, my favorite part? The way you are signing your posts "Besos" is so in tune with you and your profile. Love that you kept the pink (obviously a color you love) while making it more divalicious. Rockin'!!!
Can't wait-it's looking good so far!
Congratulations! As a new mother I belevie sleeping while your little one is sleeping is a survival tip you must be wondering how on earth you’re ever going to put down that camera of yours when you’ve got such a precious little one sleeping right in front of you?
So cute! Very diva!
It's cute!! I have a dress in a similar print, same colors, so obviously I love it.
Woohooo I'm loving your new design. The pink & purple looks so pretty together! Will grab your new button now 😉