1. Feast Day of St. Nick, December 6 This is something that Todd & I have done with our kids every year. This year, we did some extras too, we printed off coloring sheets, we read a story about St. Nicholas , & then we laid our shoes outside our doors. It’s so much fun for […]
Footprints in the Snow
Snow was always an amazing time for us when we were growing up. The first snow flakes would start to fall & it was instant excitement. Our parents would get us all bundled up & we would load up to go drive around. It was always so awesome to see the town completely covered. As […]
Turkey Neck is for the Birds!
Why wait for BLACK FRIDAY?! Check out the Rodan + Fields Fabulous Skintervention Special— with a FREE AMP MD SYSTEM! All new preferred customers who order the skintervention between now & midnight on November 30, will also receive your choice of either our eye cream or lip serum FREE!!! Email me at mymommymonologues{at}gmail.com & we will […]
Where do you find your phone?!
1. You spend an hour looking for your toddler’s shoes. And you never find them. And you give up & decide you’ll just buy her a new pair at the store when you get there, because it’s just not worth your time to keep looking….but then they magically appear in the living room, where you […]
10 things I believe
10 Things I Believe 1. I believe in God & His unending mercy. 2. I believe in my husband & the vows we made 6.5 years ago. 3. I believe in my children, how absolutely amazing, & adorable they are & how much I am blessed to be their mother. 4. I believe in my […]
How do you drink hot chocolate?
The best way to drink hot chocolate! Find the biggest cup possible, get your favorite powder mix (I prefer the off brand, tastes better to me & it has to have mini marshmallows!), fill it up with water or 2% milk, heat up it up to however you like it (I like it hot!), & […]
So your son wants to be a ballet dancer?
I came across this video a couple of days ago as I was looking through my Facebook feed about toys for girls that aren’t marketed towards all things pink, dolls, & cooking. Watch it, it’s a short 2 minute video, & it’s awesome! Ever since having a girl, I have been really focused on making sure that she knows […]
Holiday Twitter Party!!!
WE ARE GETTING READY TO PARTY!! Get your favorite drink, curl up in your favorite pajamas, & join us in our HOLIDAY TWITTER PARTY!! Thursday, November 21 at 8 PM CST Past Posts You Are Guaranteed to Love:It’s Time to Twitter PAR-TAY!
Old School Blogging Meme
Apparently, I started blogging back when it was “Old School.” And just like all things internet, blogging is constantly evolving & changing. So today, for nostalgia’s sake, we are going back in time to do an old meme! Enjoy! And join in if you like!! Where is your cell phone? Right next to me. And my […]
Selling a House: Running, Cleaning & Crying
Our house has been on the market since September 27 & trust me, we have learned A LOT the last month & a half on how to live in a house while selling one! 1. Bed skirts are your friend! Can’t find a place for husband’s hideous  big computer table? Fold it down & hide it under […]