1. You spend an hour looking for your toddler’s shoes. And you never find them. And you give up & decide you’ll just buy her a new pair at the store when you get there, because it’s just not worth your time to keep looking….but then they magically appear in the living room, where you […]
You Know you’re a Theta Mom When….
Hello! And thank you so much for stopping by my little space on the Internet! Today feels like 100% like Christmas morning! I am beyond excited that Heather asked me to be her Theta Mom Featured Blogger–I’m pretty sure she heard me shrieking of excitement from 1500 miles away when I opened her email! I […]
You know you’re a mom when…
You start to worry that your family is going to nominate you for TLC’s tv show “What Not to Wear.” You know that you constantly show up places in the same type clothing: jeans, shirt, boots, and if it’s cold you throw on a sweater. You literally have a uniform and it doesn’t really change […]
You Know You’re a Mom When…
Your kid wakes up at 5 am & you want to die. He, amazingly enough, is actually happy & fine playing by himself so you put him the floor with a few toys. You make sure that the kitchen has all the baby gates up so he can get to the dangerous stuff under the […]
You Know You’re a Mom When…
It’s that time of the week again! You Know You’re a Mom When: You’re getting dressed to go out to lunch with your hubs & son. Said son is screaming like a banshee and clutching your leg as though he’s never going to see you again being very clingy while you’re trying to get ready. You grab […]
You Know You’re a Mom When!
**Update** I am also a guest blogger over at Angie’s Healthy Living Blog for a “Watch your Weight Wednesday” Series! I hope y’all will all stop by & read me over there too! I wrote about how to have fun while running! I swear it’s possible! :)I’m also at Nolie’s Place today writing about Why I […]
You Know You’re a Mom When
Our Days in the Desert I’m pretty much in love with memes. And I see this one all the time & I always wonder why in the heck I don’t participate–so here it goes! You know you’re mom when, you open up your very fab, white with faux snake skin purse & you discover biter biscuit […]