I got this idea from Laura @ Cowboy Boots & Baby Booties…. I thought it was super cute!
Dear Little Kate,
Enjoy yourself, don’t be too serious, & don’t spend so much time worrying about the future. Enjoy the present & know things always work out, sometimes it wasn’t your original plan or want, but it is always perfect. You may not understand what any of this means now, but as these things happen you will:
1. When you’re 9 years old & your mother asks you if you’d rather have a new brother or sister or your own bedroom, your response of “I want a new brother or sister” is the best one! Not only did it make your mom sigh with relief, but your little brother was the best addition to the family-he’s hilarious & a great friend! And you get your bedroom a few years later anyways & you were so lonely you made your siblings take turns sleeping in there with you.
2. When those girls are mean to you in grade school just ignore them, it will make you a better person.
3. Pay attention to Spanish in high school because you become a Spanish major in college. And because you learn Spanish you eventually go to Mexico & there you have many surprises waiting-one being the love of your life.
4. Motherhood is as hard as your mom said it would be. But it’s also just as rewarding. That first time you rocked your son when he was just 2 weeks old & sang the same lullabies your mom sang to you & your siblings it was absolutely magical.
5. Don’t go out & buy that stupid car–you don’t want to pay for it. Appreciate the fact that you don’t have a car payment over having leather seats. It will be worth it, I promise!
6. Someday you will fall in love with HGTV, it’s not as boring as you think it is!
7. I know you’ve spent years wondering what your new last name will be when you’re married; it’s beautiful & French. And you always told you’re mother you were born for French aristocracy, now all you need is the title. You’re half way there!
8. Cherish your husband. Know that you can be just as strong as a man & just as intelligent, but also know that your husband needs to know that he’s needed, loved, & the strongest man in the world. And it’s okay for you to be vulnerable-he likes that about you, even though you hate it when you are.
9. Love & cherish those who came before you–sometimes they really do know what they’re talking about. And even though your grandfather seems a little scary now, he’s actually hilarious, awesome, smart, God-fearing, & wonderful. He’s your hero! So is your grandmother & she’s fiesty. Their farm offers you a lot of comfort & peace during times in your life when you feel like those two things don’t exist.
10. You love dogs, even though you claim you don’t. You only say you don’t because you miss your best bud, Walter. You actually talk your husband into buying you a puppy & he’s the cutest, cuddly little fella out there! You love him.
11. Even though you love all your sibs, you tell your mom your entire life that you’re going to marry an only child so that you won’t have to share. And guess what? You do marry an only child & it’s awesome not having to share the best in-laws in the world.
12. I’m not going to tell you anymore because you have so many good surprises ahead of you. There is some hurt too, but all those hurts are great lessons. Have a blast & enjoy yourself! As Mark Twain said, “Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Wolverine is doing better-not 100%, but doing a lot better. I’m hoping things will be back to semi-normal tomorrow. Thank you for all your comments & support!
awww that was so sweet what you said about your brother!
glad u answered right the first time!!!
Awesome post. Imagine if we really could send letters to the younger us. It would save a lot of grief and worry through those years.
Thanks Laura! And thank you for the idea!
And Nolie-No kidding right?! lol And thank you for the compliment!
This is so cute. Great photos, too. Save it for your children and maybe they'll learn something from it!
Love this! Oh, the things I'd want to tell my younger self..mostly just not to be in such a hurry to grow up all the time!
Dear friend, Elke. I am so sorry for your loss. Pets bemcoe part of the family part of you. She is at peace and will suffer no more. Lucy, kisses to heaven.Poem For CatsAnd She asked the feline spiritAre you ready to come home?Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soulAnd, as a cat, you know I am most ableTo decide anything for myself.Are you coming then? asked The SpiritSoon, replied the whiskered angelBut I must come slowlyFor my human friends are troubledFor you see, they need me, quite certainly.But don’t they understand? asked The SpiritThat you’ll never leave them?That your souls are intertwined, for all eternity?That nothing is created or destroyed?It just is…forever and ever and ever.Eventually they will understand,Replied the glorious catFor I will whisper into their heartsThat I am always with themI just am…forever and ever and ever.Author Unknown
Thanks Lucy-I thought it was so cute when I saw at the other site. I actually have a million other things to write but I made myself stop. lol
Yes Cheryl! That's a great one!
What a great Post! I loved the pictures. SO cute. Sorry Logan is not feeling 100% yet, but it sounds like the worst is over : )
I love this post!!
I have an award for you on my blog 🙂
Hi there! Stopping by from SITS just to say Hi and wish you a Happy Wednesday! I love this post – thinking about it there are definitely some things I could go back and tell my younger self, such as to make the most of the time I had to spend with my own grandmother, but there is so much you do not want your younger self to know in advance, because then it would so spoil the most wonderful surprises of life.
Awesome Idea. Thanks for sharing – the pictures are so cute too. =)