Heather, from Theta Mom, pretty much has the best list posts about getting to know people. The last getting to know me post I did was from her too, so I thought I would do this one too. 😉 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes, my mom said she always loved the name Katherine […]
Getting to Know Me
I was going to do a post identical to this one & tonight, I just happened to be reading Theta Mom & decided I liked her questions better than the ones I was going to use. Getting to Know Me 1. Name someone with the same birthday as you. Jake Gyllenhaal 2. What has been […]
Random Letters
Dear Blogger, I’d really, really, really like to thank you for shutting down to do “maintenance” for THREE days last week. I’d especially like to thank you for shutting down & then not telling all the wonderful bloggers that help make you so successful that their blogs were going to go bye-bye. Why do I […]