March 21, 2009-30 week mark I was 3 weeks into grad school when I got a positive pregnancy test. Needless to say, it was not a planned pregnancy. It was more, “oh my gosh, let me stare at this pregnancy test while I pace the bathroom floor & not believe the results” kind of news. […]
When I found out I was Knocked Up
The other day while I was doing chores & Lboy was playing in his toy bucket (quickly destroying all the hard work I was doing while cleaning) I had the tv on for some background noise. I was watching something on E! and the movie, Knocked Up, came on and I was listening to it. […]
When I told Todd I was Pregnant
Let me tell you about the time I told Todd that we were pregnant with Lboy. It wasn’t pretty…. I had been expecting a positive pregnancy test. We weren’t planning on having a baby any time soon, but I just knew that I was & was convincing myself that I wasn’t. I avoided taking a […]