I absolutely can NOT believe it is time for the Ultimate Blog Party already!
Last year, I had been blogging about 2 weeks & jumped head first into the party & this year? I am totally late!
Hello! My name is Kate. I am wife to Todd, mother to Lboy, & doggy mommy to Giorgio Armani, my six pound beast of a Yorkie.
I’m a Spanish speaking, supper cooking, sporadic house cleaning, sometimes swearing, to do list making, stroller pushing, diaper changing, SAHM, God fearing, church going, independently thinking, family loving, not always perfect, hooked on blogging, blog designing, husband loving, health food nut & junk food junkie, first time mommy, & Domesticated Diva.
Whew! That was a mouthful! But it’s who I am…pretty much to a T.
I started my blog in March of 2010, mostly because I was totally in love with all the cute blog designs I saw around the blogosphere. But I have always been an avid writer, so it just came naturally to me. I also needed an outlet, I felt like I was drowning in first time motherhood.
What will you find here?
My posts vary from the humorous side of motherhood to the sacrificial side, because that is what motherhood is right? There are some amazing joys that makes you feel as though your heart will explode & there are times where all you want to do is walk out that door and never come back. You will also find some product reviews, blogging & blog design tips sprinkled throughout.
Some examples:
August Brings Nostalgia
I gave up graduate school (temporarily I hope) so that I could be a stay-at-home mom. It was a hard decision, but it was the right decision.
You Know You’re a Blogger When….
You know you’re a blogger when…you accidentally slip in words like “woot woot” into regular conversation.
Have you ever done this or am I just the world’s biggest B?
This was not one of my best moments, nor will it be my last worst moment. But it is the perfect illustration that sometimes motherhood gets the best of us.
Blog Mistakes=Lessons Learned
Just a few blogging things I’ve learned over the last year…mostly things I learned from making my own mistakes.
Thanks for stopping by! I am glad to “meet” you & look forward to visiting your blog!
PS Remember all those cute designs I told you I fell in love with in the beginning of my blogging career? Well, I started doing blog design. I now offer Blogger & Self-Hosted WordPress Services.
Blog Design
Blogger Packages
WordPress Packages
I’m already a follower, but I just wanted to say that I love this post! I went back and read your “Blog Mistakes” post…thank you so much for that! Those are all things that I have to remind myself of all the time! I’m just starting to build a readership so I need to stop focusing so much on my numbers.
Anyways, I love your blog!! I’ll surely be coming back for more! And I need to learn more about this #wineparty 😉
I have to remind myself everyday not to focus on my numbers but to focus on the people who comment because that is how a blogger builds relationships with people.
OMG! #wineparty is so much fun! It starts on Friday nights at 9:00 EST. If you’re on something like tweetdeck then it is super easy to participate. It’s very very addicting!
If you decide to do it, look for me (@mommymonologues)!
I love the post about being a “B.”. I think all moms have those days occasionally. We just hope that’s not too often! I always feel bad when I throw my hands up in the air as I zip around a slow driver on the road. I assume they are a distracted driver, recusing or doing something equally dumb. Then it turns out to be a little old lady or man. You know, I hope I’m NOT in a hurry when I am that age! They’ve deserved to slow down a little bit.
Thankfully, I haven’t had a day like that where I just completely flip out since then. Thank goodness!
Love the blog mistakes post. I started my blog in Jan and I’m slowly building readership 🙂
Very cool! And thanks for stopping by!
Just found you from the UBP. As a new Blogger I found your advice extremely helpful. Thanks! I would love for you to stop by my blog and let me know what you think. I am so new to everything and any comments would be helpful. Thanks
Hi Sharon!
I’m on my way now! Hope you’re enjoying blogging!
How neat! Is it really this silmep? You make it look easy.
I am so excited to find your blog. So adorable! Came over from UBP and I am now following. 🙂
Happy One Year Anniversary to us 😉 And still going strong
Yup, I almost linked to you in this post!
I have said the same thing about not believing it was already time for the Ultimate Blog Party for the past three years. In fact, a great friend of mine has reminded me it was time to start partying every year. In all, this is my fourth year partying and I am in love with it. The opportunity to meet so many new bloggers I hadn’t known of before and form lasting friendships–and new blogs to visit daily–is an amazing thrill.
I just started following you on Twitter (my username is @WomanTribune) and I really look forward to coming back here and reading what you’re up to frequently from now on!
I was actually a day late! It just snuck up on me! Some of my favorite blog friends came from UBP-so I hope I have as much fun as I did last year!
Fourth year?! That’s awesome! I hope I’m still blog partying in four years!
Your family is adorable. You’ve only been blogging for a year? I guess when writing comes naturally it makes a huge difference. I love your blog, it’s so fun looking. Can’t wait to surf around and read more posts!
I’m #115
And yeah, it’s only been a year. I get a tad bit obsessive about things & I just can’t shut off the blogging voice in my head. lol It’s probably not a good thing! haha
Glad you like it here!
It’s my first time here. I googled Ultimate Blog Party & that’s how I found you. I am now following you. Happy to be partying in the company of such great women / moms / bloggers! Yay! Love, Jess
Hi! I’m visiting from #UBP11! Hope you’re having fun partying! I love junk food and all you love too! Visit me at http://www.momconfessionals.com or on twitter @momconfessional
Thanks for the post about blog mistakes. As a new blogger I really appreciate when an experienced blogger takes the time to help others. I’m your new follower. Que siga la fiesta!!!
Hello! Lovely Blog!! It is very nice to meet you and I’m very excited to be part of the UBP for the first Time…
I’m now following you via GFC!
Hi! I’m belatedly stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you!
I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. We’re giving away a $100 Visa gift card until the 19th at Giveaway Corner. Thanks!
http://giveawaycorner.blogspot.com/ (A free giveaway every weekday)
http://anne-somekindofwonderful.blogspot.com/ (Family blog)