In honor of Valentine’s Day, 14 Things I Love Today:
1. Putting on warm clothes from the dryer.
2. That we are super close to having birthday parties for the kids! I love this time of year!
3. I have a babysitter & will be going out to dinner with Todd & have an adult conversation with no children interrupting us (where we will more than likely spend most of the dinner discussing our kids, because that’s just the way it goes. 😉 )
4. My gold dress & GLORIOUS shoes that I will be wearing out.
5. My kids & how much they crack me up.
6. The Sunday breakfast that I have planned for the kids to celebrate Valentine’s Day (Chocolate Chip Mickey Mouse Pancakes anyone?!)
7. My new running shoes.
8. $10 gym fees & the amazing success I’m having while working out there!
9. The security & unconditional love that I have from Todd & that we give to each other. He really is the best.
10. The knowledge that God is charge & He will not let us down. We are working on His time frame, not ours. We just have to keep the faith & do the work, He always comes through.
11. Lboy’s teachers. He loves school so much!
12. That my sister, her husband & my little bro live in the same town as me. Feels good to have my people here. Now the rest need to move! 😉
13. My crock pot.
14. That it will be over 50 degrees this weekend. Can I get an AMEN?!?!
And one to grow on….
15. This video:
LOVE your dress! Do u go to planet fitness thats where I go too and its 10/month lol love it! Happy valentines day!!!
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Yes, planet fitness!!!!! Love it there, great price, great atmosphere & I can get a great workout in.
Just look at you rocking it in your gold dress! Gorgeous! And pretty sure you’re 20 feet tall with those shoes on, but legs for days! You’ve got one luck Valentine this year. 🙂
I love to be super tall!! I’m usually 5’10, in those shoes I’m probably around 6’2. ha! LOVE!!!
Thanks for stopping by Kat!