I made some blinkie buttons to get in the holiday spirit–they are completely FREE! So, please take one or all and enjoy!
I’ve also written and emailed my FIRST EVER NEWSLETTER! I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of response I get and if it generates my now low blog design business due to all the stupid computer problems I have had with my design computer. I have a temporary computer that I am using for all my designs, so I am now TAKING ORDERS! If you are interested in a blog design, email me at Mommy Monologues.
I’m also excited about the new giveaway that I’ve signed up for at April Showers Blog Design. She is offering a free giveaway to her Blog Design Workshop and I would love, love, love, love to take it! I have a gazillion questions written down for her, so I am in need of an April Showers Class fix (though I will more than likely be taking this class regardless of whether I win or not.)
Anywho….I hope that you all have a great Saturday, enjoy the buttons, and I will see you next week!!!

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