Yesterday was miserable! Wolverine was soooo sick that at one point he literally cried for 6 1/2 hours straight. I felt terrible for him. There wasn’t anything I could do for him but hold him & rock him & say a few prayers. He was up every two hours last night–I was prepared for today to be just as miserable!
But, miracles do happen…..
He woke up this morning, perfectly healthy, all smiles, & has been so sweet playing in the livingroom while I try to recover from the hellish day that was yesterday.
I haven’t been able to visit my bloggy peeps or write a post or say hi to everyone!
So HI!!!!!
I hope to be back in full swing on Monday–Hope y’all have a great weekend!!!
So glad to hear Logan is feeling muc better today. It is just so awful when our little ones are sick and we can't take it away from them.
Thank you so much for these monologues I’ve like, seahrced so many sites but never got the monologues organised. So thank you so much. =D These monologues mean so much to me and I’m a Grey’s Anatomy fan too. Great show.
that is the worst when they are sick like that.
sooo glad to hear he woke up all better! happy weekend!!!
Glad "we" are feeling better.
I am so glad that Logan is better! It is extremely hard when when your little one is that sick!
So glad your lil one is better. I understand totally how you feel my lil guy had the stomach virus twice in a month. It is so hard on mommas to see their lil ones sick.
I am a new follower bc I just love ur blog.
Yikes! Having a sick baby is NO fun. No fun at all. I think we all forgive you for being preoccupied 🙂
so glad he's feeling better and that you're making it!! i was hoping things were going a lot better!
and here you on the blog break – i've been on a bit of a short hiatus myself!
I love when it magically goes away!
i’m normally pettry bad about eating leftovers, but luckily DH likes them, so they all go to him haha. there are only very few things that i eat as leftovers, but i’ve been trying to get better about it
I feel you, my Logan has been sick too. Just glad to hear your boy is back up to par and hoping you are able to find some rest. Don't you just love miracles?
Oh that's rough – glad he's feeling better!
Stopping by from SITS
I hope you are all feeling better today! I have an award for you! Please come check it out!