Hello! And thank you so much for stopping by my little space on the Internet! Today feels like 100% like Christmas morning! I am beyond excited that Heather asked me to be her Theta Mom Featured Blogger–I’m pretty sure she heard me shrieking of excitement from 1500 miles away when I opened her email!
I hope that you will like me enough to look me up on twitter or facebook, subscribe via Google Connect, email, or my RSS feed so I can get to know more of the amazing women who “gather” at Heather’s place! But most of all, I hope you’ll leave a comment so I can visit your blog!
And without further ado….a humorous & fun take on….

It has been forever that you spent some money on you in a very long time because you have been so focused on your child’s needs (and wants) before your own. So, you finally splurged on something for YOURSELF! You bought the ultimate Carrie Bradshaw shoes (on a budget of course) & the first time you got to wear them it felt amazing to feel fashionable again!
Thank you sooo much for stopping by today! If you don’t know who Heather is, click on the cute, button below to read all about her! You’ll love Theta Mom I promise!

OMG! "You know you are a Theta Mom when it has been forever that you spent some money on you in a very long time because you have been so focused on your child's needs (and wants) before your own." <—–Amen sister!!
I am *loving* this post! What a great way to introduce yourself (and your awesome personality) to your readers mama!
Hope you meet tons of new peeps today b/c I think you rock!
This is such a hilarious post! I am not yet a mommy (trying) but I love reading posts from moms. Oh, and the pic is hilarious….I guess I don't have much of an excuse when I look like that though! 😮
Congrats on your feature day! This is a hilarious post (as is the pregnant/fat post below). I'm so glad I wandered over from Theta Mom 🙂
I remember those early days, when its imperative that the baby is bathed and changed before your hub gets home – so they are wearing a different outfit and you look like you did something that day!
I follow you already … but HUGE congrats on your feature.
Heather is something special 🙂
Oh my word…yes, yes, and yes, I have had those moments! Being a SAHM is one of the most challenging roles anyone can fill, but its also one of the most rewarding. Visiting from ThetaMom…enjoy your day!
Congrats on your feature day, can I say yes to everything you said in this post? Love it. I can't help but picturing you trying to get those great heels on over the gorgeous striped socks you are sporting in your first pick. THAT would be an outfit.
It never seems to fail…those times when I run to the grocery store late at night, just to restock the essentials…of course I bump into folks I used to work with. The funny thing is, many of them don't recognize me! I tell myself it's because I'm outside their frame of reference, but I'm sure the ponytail and sweatshirt have something to do with it, too. If it's someone I would really like to catch up with, I might make eye contact (if I'm feeling confident in my sweatshirt). But other times, I just move right along to the other side of the banana display. 🙂
Yeah! Congrats on your TMC Day!! Heather always picks those that rock…and you are certainly following suit!! 🙂
It is true, isn't it? As moms we tend to put off special things for ourselves-and it does feel awesome when we do treat ourselves (to some rockin' shoes or an outfit!)
I can't tell you how many times I have gone out of the house wishing that my path steers clear of anyone I know…but it NEVER happens! Haha!
Congrats again, and so glad to meet you!
Oh, I've been there. We've all been there. Nevermind the days when I can't find time to take a shower and how I'm late every where I go because the baby either poops or spits up on me as we walk out the door. At least we're in it together!
WooHoo!! Congrats on your TMC Day!!
Love the shoes! It's great being a mom but absolutely tiring sometimes! I think we've all had moments where we just don't care what we look like!
Me moments are incredible! Grab those whenever you can! I know I do… I have to just to keep my sanity in check!
Congrats again!
Oh yes, we have had days like that! Congratulationson your TMC Day, looking forward to checking out your blog!
Congrats on being profiled today. I can loudly reply YES! to each of your examples, all except the last, sadly. Momma really does need to buy herself that new Tory Burch bag, soon. 🙂
Cheers on you TM feature! Looks like you've built such a lovely place here, my friend! I look forward to getting to know you more – from what I've read so far, you are so 'my people!'
That picture is PRICELESS!!!
Oh, Kate – you are just THAT much more fabulous for posting that photo! 🙂
You are beautiful, beausce you are a strong Latina mami. I am so proud of you beausce you have looked at adversaty in the face and laughed at it, I wish more people could do that ! You have brought a blessing into this world, who beausce of you ,will learn the being different and being Latino is something to be proud of. I love you girl, keep doing what you. I am proud to call you mi hermana.
congrats on being featured! love that photo. CLASSIC!
Happy TMC day!!! 🙂
Amen! I actually used Tuesday's "mother's day out" to do something non-productive. Got a mani/pedi for the first time in 6 months (and the manicure was the first time in 7 YEARS). Messed it up within 2 hours, but it was so worth it. I'm still riding the high of having 2 hours of non-child/household time to myself.
Love your list of "you know you're a theta mom when"… So cute! And I would be one of "those" people whose eyes glaze over when parents tell me what percentile their child falls in. (yeah, like any single girl know what that means!?!) 🙂
Happy Theta Mom Day! 🙂
Congrats on your feature! I have had mom moments like that. I haven't gotten out of sweatshirts and maternity jeans since my baby was born 8 weeks ago. lol Great blog!
Congrats on your Theta Mom feature!
Oh man have I been there a time or two (or maybe too many to count- is that bad??!) 🙂 Totally feelin' ya on this one. So happy to have found you through Theta Mom.
I was a beautiful Irish maedin with luscious red hair. I couldnt see another family in the mirror because I may not of had any. All I could see was a man around my former life age standing next to me smiling. I was wearing a nice dress like belle wore in beauty and the beast in the beginning of the movie. Around me was a village of cottages and small shoppes.
I keep meaning to sign up with Theta Mom…gotta get to it! :>
Congrats on Your day! :> And yes, you said it….I think we've all been there at one point or another. There's the days I have a baseball cap on, riding uber low on my brow just to avoid humanity. So, thanks for putting it out there…putting out there what so many of us have experienced!
Annnnnddd….hope everyone in your house gets healthy soon!!! :>
Ciao SandyLynn,Like you, I find this semester very inetnse yet rewarding. Thank you for the encouraging quote. Yes, we can do all things through dedication and commitment. Even when the light at the end of the tunnel appears so far away and dim, with the right attitude and mindset, we can accomplish our goals.I have not studied a new language since Spanish I in high school, many many years ago. Although, the thought has crossed my mind Good luck in your Italian class.A year ago I came back to college after a 20+ year break. Wow, what a change this has been for me. However, I will remember your quote and know that college (and graduation) is achievable.Good luck at Missouri State University and the reward of being a teacher!Best Wishes,Patty
Oh Congratulations! I love the picture. I don't drive but I remember one night at 3 am the only way to get my son to sleep was for us to go out for a card ride. We loaded up on coffee and went driving for an hour.
Congrats on your TMC feature! Nice to "meet" you! =)
Congratulations on being the TMC featured blogger! I'm not a mom yet but hopefully will be on day in the future.
Have a lovely valentines day!
Yay, Kate, for being the featured TMC blogger! I loved you before, but I have a whole new respect for you after reading this and seeing the pic. 🙂 Hope this week has been much better for you!